Tuesday, April 24, 2018

4/24/18 | Muddy, Slick, and Treacherous!

 What a week!  Weather was once again bipolar this week!  One day, 70’s and sunny, next day, snowy 30’s..... good stuff!  Let me tell you about how it went.
       We had a lesson with Mike this past Friday, and it went very well!  We were very lovingly bold in this lesson, and it turned out to be pretty awesome!  We asked Mike if he had discussed baptism with missionaries before us.  He said he has, so we asked him if he knew The Book Of Mormon to be the word of God, and if he has prayed to know if it is true.  He told us that he knew it was true, and that it was the word of God, no doubt!  We then asked if he knew Joseph Smith was a prophet of God.  He didn’t fully understand why a prophet was needed, so we answered his questions and he said he totally understands now.  He also said he thought that prophets only came every once in awhile, and he had no idea that we have had prophets on the earth since Joseph Smith Restored Jesus Christ’s Church!  This was just one simple thing the missionaries had missed in the past, that the spirit guided us to explain, how amazing!  Mike then asked us why we don’t see huge miracles like the ones in the Bible anymore.  We had literally just studied this in Companionship Study a few days prior, so we knew exactly how to answer his question!  We shared with him the General Conference Talk, “Has the Day Of Miracles Ceased?”  We explained how huge miracles do still happen today, but there are also little miracles that happen every single day in our lives, we just have to recognize them.  We told him how God Loves us all so much, and blesses us daily, even when we don’t see those tiny simple miracles each day.  It was awesome!  We invited him to be baptized, and told him that he really is more prepared than he gives himself credit for!  Mike is seriously so ready, he just needs to have the faith to act!  He told us he wasn’t sure about a specific date to work towards, which is totally fine.  We invited him to come to church, continue his reading and praying, and to pray to know when a good day would be for him to get baptized!  We are following up with him this week, so we are excited to see what day he feels would be good!  The Holy Ghost was definitely present, and because we were so bold with him, we know it touched his heart!  
       Last Saturday was just full of lessons and miracles, man we can’t even put it into words of how amazing last Saturday was!!  Our first bomb lesson was with Paul.  We had Brother Wall come with us to this lesson, and to our surprise Paul’s Brother Marshall happened to be there again when we came!  Miracle!  After talking for a few minutes, we started with a prayer, then we talked about 1 Nephi 4 when Nephi slays Laban.  Paul told us he had been discussing that chapter with Marshall before we got there.  We discussed why the Lord needed Laban to die, and that went very well!  After that little discussion about Paul’s reading, we asked Paul where he wanted us to start off since Marshall was here.  He said just from the beginning, so we had Paul tell Marshall a little summary of what he knew about The Restoration, and it was amazing to see Paul teach his brother about what he had learned.  We then taught him the whole lesson, and Marshall had some really good questions.  Man was the Spirit so strong in that lesson!  At the end, we promised Paul and Marshall that they could gain greater happiness than they have ever experienced for themselves and their families if they needed upon The Gospel Of Jesus Christ and this message.  Paul had the biggest smile on his face as we told them this, it was absolutely amazing!  Brother Wall also came in clutch testifying of how the gospel has blessed his family!  So good!  We are excited to teach Marshall and continue to go help them both come closer to Jesus Christ, and help their families feel His love for them!  Our ward mission leader and his wife had Paul’s family over for dinner last Sunday, so they are coming in clutch too!  Too good!
       Our next bomb lesson was with Jeremiah.  We brought Brother Woolery, a recent convert of four years.  He was a perfect fit for Jeremiah, and they talked about cars with each other.  We taught Jeremiah about The Plan of Salvation, and he understood everything we taught him. He had great questions, and loved to know he can be with his little boy forever!  We explained how important it is to have the Gift of the Holy Ghost with us while we are on the earth.  We talked about the importance of baptism, and he had a questions about priesthood authority.  We explained to him what he had missed our first lesson, and he totally understood why he needs to be baptized.  We then invited him to be baptized on June 9th, and to work towards that date, and he said he would love to have that goal!  And to continue to do what he needs to to find out if The Book Of Mormon is the word of God!  The Spirit was so strong in this lesson!  Jeremiah is so awesome!  He is going to continue to read, pray, and come to church.  He came this past Sunday, because he got his truck fixed, and he had his six month old baby with him for all three hours!  What a trooper!  The ward rallied around him, loved him, and fellowshipped him way good!  Can’t wait to see Jeremiah continue to progress!  
       We were able to meet with Bob, and lay it all on the table.  We told him that we wanted to start from scratch, and teach him from square one.  We are committed to help him receive his answer, and invite him to do the things necessary to gain one.  If he doesn’t keep commitments, than we’ll have to part ways, because he isn’t ready..... but we are hoping this works!  We are going to continue to pray that he will do the things necessary to gain that testimony!  Bob came to church as well, and he liked it too.  Glad he came!  
       We had a bit of a crazy Sunday.  Our ward got a new bishopric, and a ton of other changes happened too!  We are excited to work with the new bishopric, and help the missionary work progress within the Wellington Ward!  After church we changed out of our suits and headed up to visit less active members in Red Feather Lakes, a boonie town up in the mountains in our area.  We had dinner up there Sunday night, so we decided it would be best to visit people up there while we would be up there anyways!  We had some good contacts with a bunch of less active members!  We were going to head to dinner, which was more north than Red Feather Lakes, so we decided to take a back-way to their house, which ended up being a dirt mountain road vs. the paved longer route we could have taken.  We felt confident we were going to make it safely, and see some beautiful country off the beaten path.  It had snowed an inch the day before, but it had melted off pretty fast and was warm.  Note: All the dirt roads we had been on previously to visit all of the members were dry in the sunny patches.  We took off in this scenic dirt road, and it was some beautiful country on the way to dinner!  Near the end of our nice drive to dinner however, we started going on some north facing slopes or shaded parts of the dirt road.  It soon became very very muddy..... we are driving a Nissan Rogue, which is pretty good off-road, except it is all wheel drive, and the “all wheel” part of the equation doesn’t kick in until it is too late.... anyways, we started to go on this muddy part.  It had big ruts in the road, slick mud everywhere, and we were sliding like crazy!  I remember my dad telling me to never stop on a really muddy or sandy road because then you will sink and be stuck.... so we pressed forward and didn’t stop!  We were praying the whole time that we would make it safely to dinner, and we did!  Heavenly Father helped us make it, and I’m sure glad he did.  We were in the middle of nowhere!! Man that would have been a long walk to dinner, with no cell service...... you may be asking, “Elder Bailey, why are you telling this story of you and your companion not making the smartest decision?”  Haha, well, let me tell you!  I had thought of a little analogy from our experience on the muddy roads, so here it is!  

Even though our roads may be muddy, slick, and treacherous at times, as we follow Heavenly Father, and the Savior and His Gospel, we will be guided to stay on the right path, but it is only by and through them that we can do so!  We need to follow them as well as we can, to stay in the covenant path leading back to live in their presence again someday!  All of our roads are slick at times. Sometimes we don’t know if we are going to get stuck or slide off the roads, but we cannot stop and be idle and complacent!  We have to keep moving forward, we have to keep doing the little simple things (daily scripture study & prayer, attending church & the temple etc.) to strengthen our testimonies and to follow Him.  As we do these things, and as we live a guided life, we will remain on the path and continue on in safety until we meet Heavenly Father and our Savior again someday!  

       I thought it was a pretty cool analogy, and I hope you guys enjoyed it!  A little scripture insight I found while studying this week came from 2 Nephi 19:12,17,21.  In all of these verses, there is a phrase repeated in each one that I’d like to share.  

“...For all this his anger is not turned away, but his hand is stretched out still.”

       Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ will never forget us!  Through His everlasting Atonement He performed, He absolutely cannot Forget us!  His hand is stretched out yesterday, today, and forever!  We can repent each and every day, because of Him.  I love my Savior, and I feel that I have grown closer to Him as I labor in His vineyard every day.  We can all get closer to Him as we labor within His vineyard!  We are all laboring side by side with Him, remember He is always with us!  I am grateful for each of you, and I hope you have a fantastic week!  

Elder Bailey

1. Saw this scout ranch.  Had to stop and salute, Eagles Nest for life!
2. Nice mountain pic! Haha
3. Colorado Rockies

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

4/17/18 | I love Spiritual Revelation!

 What a great week!  This week absolutely flew by!  Weeks are literally days now..... the weather was a little cold some days, but it was beautiful the past couple days, can’t complain!  It was a very busy week, and we had some good stuff happen!
       We were able to have two lesson’s with Jeremiah this past week.  Our first one was great!  We read The Book Of Mormon with him, and he understands it so well!  He has such a strong desire to read, pray, and come to church!  He was going to attend church this Sunday, but his truck blew up on him the night before so he couldn’t make it.  That was a bummer.  We had another solid lesson with him yesterday.  Turns out his copy of The Book Of Mormon was in his broken down truck, and he forgot to get it before it went into the shop.  He hadn’t been able to read, so we read with him again.  He expressed to us how he is going through some tough times right now.  Honestly, the adversary is trying his hardest to make Jeremiah not attend church, and not read!  He wants to read, and we invited him to do so.  We hope things work out better for him!  We are having another lesson in a few days, so we are praying for him!  We were also going to meet with Paul too, but he was out of town.  Shawna and Destiny’s lesson fell through as well, some stuff came up to where they couldn’t meet with us or attend church.  We rescheduled and can’t wait to meet with them this week!!!  
       Through Tracting this past week, especially last Wednesday, we were able to find two very promising potential investigators!  It was so cool!  While we talked with one of them, we felt like we should ask her a question.  We asked, “How has Faith played a role in your life?”  She started to smile and said her name was Faith.  We proceeded to share Alma 32:21 with her, and she loved it!  She accepted a copy of The Book Of Mormon, and said she would read it.  How cool!  I love Tracting!
       In our District Meeting this past week, we had a really inspiring conversation after all the trainings.  The whole district was participating, building off of each other, and the Spirit was so strong!  He was testifying of truth, and it got us all super excited and stocked to go out and talk to everyone!  We are trying to make the Fort Collins Zone a place of miracles, where all the missionaries want to go serve.  It was amazing to see the fire within all of us in that room, and I can’t wait to see how that fire can be spread throughout this transfer!  So amazing!  
       We taught Bob this past week, and he opened up to us and told us his life’s story.  Wow it was incredible the crazy things that have happened in his life.  Just that morning Elder Gordon and I had talked about and studied 2 Nephi 2:11, where it talks about how there is opposition in all things.  We shared with him this scripture, and told him how it wasn’t a coincidence how we had just studied this scripture that morning.  It really hit him hard, it was cool to see how the Spirit works!  Elder Gordon and I’m Companionship studies have drastically improved over the past week and a half.  It is our goal to truly study for our investigators and seek revelation.  It was cool to see how it works!  I love having these kinds of experiences, so amazing!  
       After dinner last Sunday, we were heading back into town when we felt prompted to go visit a less active.  We did, and we finally caught him home!  He told us he hadn’t attended church in 10 years, but said we could come back and share a message with him and his family, how amazing!  Later that same night, we were passing a neighborhood when we received a prompting to visit another person, a former investigator (who was on date for baptism two years ago but she just dropped the missionaries two days before her baptism).  We knocked on their door, and her father answered.  He told us he was busy making dinner, and asked if we had eaten dinner.  I told him that we had just eaten, then Elder Gordon said “but I’m hungry?!”  Elder Gordon was definitely promoted to say this, I have no idea what I was thinking!  Haha. But he let us in, and we had our second dinner with them.  We talked with them, and got to know them really well.  They are an awesome family!  We ate homemade way authentic enchiladas, and they were so amazing!  Afterwards we shared a message with them about Helaman 5:12.  They loved it, and the Spirit was definitely present!  We can’t wait to see if the daughter will be interested again.  These were some amazing miracles we saw!  We were just driving by both and felt the Spirit urge us to visit them.  We followed those promptings and saw miracles!  We truly felt like we were instruments in the Lord’s hands, it was amazing!  These experiences that are helping me grow and strengthen my faith and testimony of our Savior Jesus Christ and His Restored Church!  I love it!  
       Last night before dinner, we were trying to visit some less active members out near our dinner, which was in boonie-ville, and we came across a man named Eugene.  We thought his house was a less actives, but the address was wrong.  We talked with him, and he was such a nice guy!  He drives trucks, and was a little busy at the moment.  We got his phone number and he told us we could try another day when he had more time.  This was pretty amazing!  Out in the boonies, finding potential investigators..... it was awesome!  Can’t wait to visit with him again!  
       In my studies this past week, I had so many verses stand out to me!  A bunch of them applied to our investigators, it was so awesome!  The one I wanted to share today is 1 Nephi 21:14-16 which says,

14 But, behold, Zion hath said: The Lord hath forsaken me, and my Lord hath forgotten me--but he will show that he hath not.

15 For can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb? Yea, they may forget, yet will I not forget thee, O house of Israel.

16 Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands; thy walls are continually before me.

       This is just absolutely amazing!  Jesus Christ, our Beloved Savior, knows each of us personally.  He wants to best for us, because He truly loves us!  He knows what we struggle with, what is hard for us, what we go through, and He knows how to help us get through these struggles we face.  He will Never Forget us!  He is the mark!  He has us, each of us, imprinted upon his hands, feet, and side.  He will Never Forget us, it is impossible for Him to do so!  I will always be eternally grateful for the sacrifice He gave for me, for you, and for us all!  I feel like I am growing closer to Him each and every day, and I love it!  I know that as you do the small and simple things, great things will be brought to pass!  I love you guys, and I’m grateful for your support.  Have a fantastic week this week!  

Elder Bailey 

1. Got Alyssa’s wedding invite in the mail, CRAZY!! 
2. Package from Grandma and Grandpa Burr, thanks so much!  I love you guys! :)

Sunday, April 15, 2018

4/10/18 | Temple Trip!!

Elder Gordon and I had a great week!  We were able to attend a session in the temple this morning!  What a blessing it is to have temples in our lives, I love the temple more and more each time I attend!  It is a blessing that most of the members of the church live so close to a temple!  I love the temple!  I hope you all do too! 
     Elder Gordon and I are working very well together, and I can tell it is going to be an awesome transfer with him!  Elder Gordon is from Preston, Idaho, home of Napoleon Dynamite of course!  He has been on his mission for three months, and he is an amazing missionary!  I can’t wait for the transfer we will have, we will see a lot of miracles!  We were able to see some this week as well.  
      We had a really good District Meeting this past Thursday!  Our District is pretty much all new except for me and another missionary, so we had a great first meeting as a brand new district!  Near the end of District Meeting we had an awesome surprise!  President McMurray came and joined us! The whole district was sharing really good insights, and we were setting District Goals when President walked in, then everyone went dead silent..... It was the funniest thing I saw all week!  We asked President to share some thought at the end, so he did.  We were able to learn a lot from him!  He explained some of the announcements in his weekly letter to us, and our mission is getting smart phones in a few weeks!  So crazy, I would have never thought I would have a smart phone as a missionary!  The missionaries who have been out for longer don’t have to buy one, we’ll just be using loner mission smart phones.  It should be interesting!  I’ll keep you updated on how that goes!  After District Meeting, I had a Doctrinal Question about Repentance, so Elder Gordon and I got to talk with President McMurray for a little bit.  He is so knowledgeable!  As we were walking out to our cars, President asked us what plans we had for the rest of the day.  Right as we told him we had a lesson with Jeremiah, Jeremiah sent us a text and said he had to cancel because he was sick.  That was a bummer, but then President offered to bring us to lunch!  We went to Chick-fil-a with him, and had a great time!  We asked him more Doctrinal questions, and he shared really amazing mission stories he has from when he served as a missionary in Australia.  It was such a good time with him, I think President McMurray honestly has to be the best mission President in the world, hands down!  
     Later that same day after we got home, we were having Companionship Study when we witnessed a huge miracle!  Earlier that day, a missionary who is now in our district told us about someone up in Wellington that we could try to teach again, a former investigator named Shawna.  The missionary told us that she almost got baptized, then they were transferred.  We told them we would check and see what was up, but it wasn’t on the top of our priority list.  During Companionship Study, I was telling Elder Gordon about how I was sad a lady who drove up to Elder Burke and I wanted to be baptized, but never called our number she got from us.  As we spoke about this, we had the impression that this lady that drove up to us back in March was Shawna the former investigator.  We were a little shocked by this information, but we texted the number we had for Shawna, and about 10 minutes later she called us and told us that she was the one who talked to us on the side of the road!  How amazing is that!  Our dinner had cancelled on us that night, so she invited us to eat with her and her daughter at the Wellington Grill.  We met them there, and had a great talk!  Her 16 year old daughter, Destiny, wants to be taught too.  This is going to be an amazing opportunity!  I love seeing Miracles!  They happen every single day!
     We had a lesson with Paul which went very well!  He actually invited us over for lunch beforehand, and he made us some sandwich’s.  How Christlike!  We were able to meet and start a good relationship with all four of his kids.  This was a little miracle of itself because we know that as we become friends with the kids, it will help reach Paul’s wife better!  We ended up having an amazing lesson with him, and talked with him about what he had been studying from the additional study sections in the first three pamphlets!  He had a bunch of questions, and we were able to have a great lesson!  He is slowly but surely progressing!  We can’t wait to continue to help him on his path to conversion!!
     We had exchanges yesterday with the Zone Leaders, Elder Jenson and Elder Bennett.  They are both amazing guys!  I got to go with a Elder Jenson for the day.  We actually go home together, so it was fun to be companions with him.  We had an absolutely incredible day!  One of the best/most fruitful exchanges I’ve been on!  By the end of the day we handed out eight copies of The Book Of Mormon, but that is just a little mediocre.  The best thing was all the return appointments we scheduled for the rest of the week.  The individuals we talked to were just ready to receive the gospel!  If I explained what happened with each one it would be really long..... but I’ll share one!  We were talking with people in Old Town Fort Collins at night.  Elder Jenson actually loved Old Town because it reminds him of his hometown, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania!  It is a really cool part of town, that is always busy with people.  It was 9:05, and we were headed back to our car, when we ran into a guy named Blaine.  He had no interest in talking with us, and told us that he would never become a Jehovah’s Witness.  We explained to him that we were actually Mormon Missionaries.  He immediately softened and talked with us.  After our conversation, he told us he wanted to meet with us again, and that he knew that we were supposed to cross path’s tonight!  We got his contact information, set up a return appointment, and went on our way.  I know that Heavenly Father places people in our path’s who are ready to receive the Gospel.  We see it so much!  It is incredible!  What an amazing day, I learned a lot from Elder Jenson, he’s such a stud!
     We actually started another Book Of Mormon reading challenge as a mission this past week.  We started in April 7th and we are reading nine pages a day (excluding Sunday’s and Tuesday’s, designated catch up days) and that is on average how many pages Joseph Smith Translated in an 85 day span.  Our challenge is 85 days, and we’ll finish the same amount of time it took Joseph to translate it!  This will be a cool experience!  We are underlining the “Name’s and Titles Of Jesus Christ.”  I have found in the past few days that there are a ton of references to our Savior, it is baffling how many there are!  I’d invite you to just look at the first nine pages and look how many times He is mentioned!  I thought it was interesting about the name “Lord.”  I looked it up in the Guide to the Scriptures, and it says that when Lord is referenced it is talking about Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ!  There are so many times that the Book Of Mormon references “Lord,” it is amazing!  One verse that stood out to me was 1 Nephi 1:19 which says,

19 And it came to pass that the Jews did mock him because of the things which he testified of them; for he truly testified of their wickedness and their abominations; and he testified that the things which he saw and heard, and also the things which he read in the book, manifested plainly of the coming of a Messiah, and also the redemption of the world.

       We may be mocked for the things we believe, for believing in Jesus Christ and His Gospel, but it is essential that we NEVER forget those sacred experiences that built our testimonies upon Him.  I’d like to invite you guys to think of those past spiritual experiences you’ve had in your life that have made your testimony what it is today, reflect on them, and NEVER forget them.  When our testimonies are challenged, and doubts from the adversary creep into our minds, always look back on those experiences.  They will help you overcome those thoughts.  As Elder Uchtdorf once said, “Doubt your Doubts, before you Doubt your Faith.”  I hope you guys have a great week.  Heavenly Father loves each of us more than we can imagine, ask and accept the blessing He wants to pour out to us!  Love you!

Elder Bailey 

1: a nice word carving from Old Town Fort Collins!
2: temple trip today!  

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

4/3/18 | Happy Easter!!! & What an amazing General Conference!!

 This past week was amazing!  I feel so spiritually uplifted from this magnificent Easter General Conference weekend!  General Conference was absolutely incredible!  (I’ll talk more about that later).  We found out about transfers on Saturday night, and Elder Burke is headed to Saratoga, Wyoming.  It’ll be sad to see him go, he’s been an awesome companion!  I’m staying here in Wellington and my new companions name is Elder Gordon.  He came out with Elder Burke, so he’s still pretty new to the mission field!  It’ll be awesome to stay here in Wellington, we have a bunch of work to do!  Can’t wait to be workin this next transfer, it is going to be a good one!
     I mentioned last week about how a member brought a guy named Jeremiah to church.  We were able to have our first lesson with him!  We had that member, who is in another ward, come to the first lesson with us.  The lesson was absolutely amazing!  We applied How to begin teaching, and I’ve never seen it go so well!  It set up our purpose so well with Jeremiah, and we were able to establish why we were truly their as missionaries!  We then taught Jeremiah the Restoration, and he had some very good questions, and the Spirit was definitely there!  I love reciting The First Vision within the Restoration lesson, it always invites the Holy Ghost!  During the lesson, he really opens up with us and share with us his life story.  Man has he had a rough go, yet he has remained happy and hopeful throughout his life.  We gave him a copy of The Book Of Mormon to him, and invited him to read and pray about it.  He said he would!  We then asked him if he would like to follow the example of Jesus Christ and be baptized by someone holding priesthood authority from God?  He said that he wanted to learn more before making a commitment, but he told us when he does, he wouldn’t have anything against being baptized!  How amazing!  I truly know that our hard work is starting to pay off.  I’ve noticed as I’ve put in the effort throughout my mission, Heavenly Father starts to bless us with people to teach!  What an amazing blessing that is to be trusted by God to teach someone about His Son and the Gospel He has provided us with!  We can’t wait to see Jeremiah continue to progress in the Gospel!  
     While we were Tracting, we had a pretty interesting conversation with a man.  He invited us into his home, and said he wanted to discuss about our gospel.  He said he was Christian and had some questions for us that he wanted to ask.  We were a little weary of some bible bashing coming our way, but it was a testimony strengthening experience!  We sat at his kitchen table and he asked us the first question, “What are your beliefs?”   We were able to teach him the Restoration, and testified to him what we knew to be true.  A sweet Spirit entered into the room, and we could see him feeling those feelings!  We could see his countenance change a little.  He continued to ask questions like “What do you believe about Repentance? What does The Book Of Mormon teach?  All these questions he was gearing to help him find something to contend with us about, but we answered boldly and testified, thus inviting the Spirit!  Then there was a point when we saw his countenance change, and he became quite contentious.  He then asked “The Bible teaches us not to add upon it, why are you guys doing that?” We testified to him about what we knew to be true, that we believed that the passage in Revelations only applies to that book.  The Holy Bible was compiled after the Book Of revelations was written, so it would only make sense that it only applied to that book.  Anyways he told us that the answer we gave made perfect sense, but he said he wouldn’t believe in what we taught.  We politely left his home, and my testimony definitely left strengthened!  A day or so later I was reading in Mosiah 12:19.  This is when the wicked priests of King Noah are questioning Abinidi.  I feel this verse explains what happened with this man perfectly!  It states,

19 ​And they began to question him, that they might cross him, that thereby they might have wherewith to ​​​accuse​ him; but he answered them boldly, and withstood all their questions, yea, to their astonishment; for he did ​​​withstand​ them in all their questions, and did confound them in all their words.

       We answered this man boldly, and testified to him boldly, and we saw the Spirit touch his heart!  It was sad to see him reject the Spirit and our message, but it was a testimony builder to me that what we teach is absolutely true!  I love being able to feel the Spirit.  It makes me smile and makes me so happy when I do!  Also while Tracting we were able to pass out a couple of copies of the Book Of Mormon!  We know it may not be the time for those people to convert, but if they have a copy of The Book Of Mormon within their home, someday they will feel an urge or prompting to pick it up and read it!  I love Tracting so much!  It always strengthens my testimony.   
      We contacted people we had tracted into previously, and set up some return appointments, so we are excited about those!  We are especially excited about Katie.  She told us she hasn’t had time to read because she got in a car wreck and her son is going in for surgery soon, so she said we should definitely come back!  We set up an appointment with her for next Wednesday, so that should be awesome!  
      General Confetence was incredible!  Wow, how amazing!  I truly and fully sustain our prophet President Russell M. Nelson, I know he is a man of God and that he truly receives revelation for the whole world!  We witnessed these revelations being given to us through prophets and apostles in action.  I’m going to remember this General Conference for awhile!  There were some amazing inspired changes that will help missionary work progress!  The Lord is truly continuing to hasten his work!  Some of my favorite talks were President Nelson’s and President Eyring’s talks in the Sunday Morning session about how crucial it is to receive and learn to receive personal revelation.  Those were answers to some of my questions!  In total I had all of my questions I had written down answered!  I hope you all enjoyed General Conference too!  I’m truly going to take our prophet, President Nelson’s Council when he asked us to study and ponder the messages given over the next 6 months.  All of these messages are inspired of God!  I know they are!  What a blessing it is to have these messages to look to for guidance along with the scriptures.  What a special thing is was to sustain our prophet, the quorum of the twelve apostles and all of our other church leaders!  
       Happy Easter as well!  I’m so overly grateful for our Savior Jesus Christ’s gift He has given to us, The Atonement.  One of my favorite verses about Jesus Christ is in Luke 24:5-6, 

5 ​And as they were afraid, and bowed down ​their​ faces to the earth, they said unto them, Why seek ye the living among the dead?
​​​​​6 ​He is not here, but is ​​​risen​: remember how he spake unto you when he was yet in Galilee,

        What an amazing scripture!  Because He lives, and Because He is Risen, we can rise once again and be forgiven of our sins and live with our Heavenly Father again!  Words can’t express to the slightest of how grateful I am for our Savior, but as we keep God’s Commandments and try to become more like Jesus Christ, we can show Him that we love Him, and we are eternally grateful for His sacrifice!  I hope we all remember what He has done for us, and as Elder Uchtdorf said, “Behold The Man!”  I hope we all remember His example, and truly learn to “Behold The Man!”  I love each of you, and hope you have a wonderful week.  

Elder Bailey 

1. Motivation for when we leave the apartment every morning!  
2. Fort Collins Stake Breakfast! (At the Stake presidents house)