Monday, March 20, 2017

3/20/17 | I'm Staying in Greeley!

This week was crazy!  We found out transfers this past Saturday night.  The good news is that I'm staying here in Greeley!  But the bad news is Elder Kimball is getting transferred to Longmont.  We knew this was going to happen, but it's just going to be so weird not to have one of my best friends with me all the time!  It's going to be super different to have such a huge change, but it should be okay.  We're both pretty at peace about it, because we know this is what the Lord wants for both of us.  My new companion is going to be Elder Merrill.  I have no idea who he is yet, but I'll meet him tomorrow at transfers.  It should be so good!  I can't wait to meet him and get to work.

           Other than that Elder Kimball and I had a pretty amazing last week together, we saw so many miracles!  We had an amazing Tracting experience this past Wednesday.  That morning we had an appointment fall through, none of the less-actives we visited were home or Interested, our car wouldn't start for awhile, and our day felt like it was awful.  We had been working pretty diligently all day, with no success at all. Then we went Tracting.  We went to where we had previously talked about going, decided on which house to start at, and started with a prayer.  As soon as we were finished with that prayer, a young mom pulled up in her driveway at that house we had decided to start at.  We gave her a few minutes to get inside, then we knocked on her door.  She answered and she said she was about to head out the door again to go pick up her son.  We explained who we were, and had a wonderful short conversation with her.   She accepted a Book Of Mormon, and we asked if there was a time that we could go back and talk to her about how families can be together forever.  As we said that, her demeanor changed a little, and she looked very interested in that!  She said she would call us sometime next week or that we could come back later in the evenings when her husband was home.  I know the Lord put her in our path with just enough time to have us talk to her for a little bit.  I'm excited to go back and visit her this week to see if she's still interested!  Near the end of our Tracting session, we ran into another young mom who was super busy and asked us to come back later.  These may seem like little things, but I know that Heavenly Father blessed us as we remained diligent throughout our unsuccessful morning that we had!  I've noticed on my mission that when everything seems to be falling apart, when all of our plans fall through, and when things are the most frustrating and hard is when the miracles come.  It has been such an amazing thing to understand that Heavenly Father is completely involved in our everyday lives, and especially with His missionaries! I love it! 

        We had honestly one of the most spiritual lessons I have ever had in my mission to date!  We were trying to get in touch with the Wakkinen's this past week, and we texted them.  Sister Wakkinen finally replied later that night and asked if we could come over on Thursday at 7:00.  We were so excited to teach them again!  (Just a reminder, the Wakkinen's are a part member family, the dad is less-active, and the mom and two kids are non-members.)  Elder Kimball and I were deciding and praying about what to teach them, and we both felt strongly impressed to read the Book Of Mormon with them.  We didn't know why but we thought we should read 1 Nephi 8, about the Tree of Life.  Later we realized that it applies perfectly to Brother Wakkinen and his family.  As Lehi leads his family to partake of the Tree of Life to partake of the fruit, Brother Wakkinen needs to lead his family in the right direction!  Things were starting to fall into place. We got to their house, and they were so excited to see us!  Before the lesson, they offered us ice cream and we talked with them for awhile.  As we were talking, they told us they had visited the Fort Collins Colorado Temple last week.  That took Elder Kimball and I by surprise!  The last lesson we had previously taught them with President McMurray there was on the Plan of Salvation.  We talked quite a bit about the temple, and I guess they wanted to visit the temple to walk around the temple grounds with their two kids.  We hadn't even asked them to, they did it all on their own.  I think they are starting to understand the importance of being sealed in the temple with your family for all eternity!  That was just the start of the miracles.  We started the lesson with a prayer, and we said up front that we were going to read through half of 1 Nephi 8 and talk about what is happening each couple verse.  We then told Brother Wakkinen that we were going to have him say the closing prayer and ask Heavenly Father if this is the right direction for his family, then we started with the lesson.  We had Book Of Mormon's for everyone, and read through it.  Every single one of them were so involved and really focused as they read.  The Spirit was so strong as we testified of the truths that we were reading.  We got to verse 15 and invited them to finish the chapter as a family, and to pray about its truthfulness!  They accepted, and then we turned to Brother Wakkinen for the prayer.  Without even hesitating, he started to say the most spiritual prayer I have witnessed in awhile!  In that prayer he said, "we thank the missionaries for reuniting us with the truth."  As he said that, the Spirit was so strong you could almost hear it!  When Brother Wakkinen ended and looked up, he had the biggest smile on his face, and I know that he, along with his family, felt the Spirit as strong as I did!  I cannot wait to have another lesson with them, they are progressing so well, and I can't wait to see the outcome.  I love being a missionary!

        We got to meet with Chad, and he's struggling a little bit.  Our lesson about the Restoration was really spiritual and we know he feels that Spirit we feel, but he is having a hard time acting upon those feelings.  We will see what happens, but I know that if I do all I can, the Lord will help Chad the best He can.  We also visited an investigator we have named Gary this week.  We met Gary through visiting less-actives, and he lived in a house that a less-active was still recorded to live in.  I think I shared this a few weeks ago, but the first time we talked to him, he explained how  his brother was addicted to alcohol and that he didn't know what to do anymore.  We told him about the Church's addiction recovery program and that it was for the person who is addicted, but also for the people most closely effected by the addiction.  He was really interested in going.  We went to visit with him and met hi super nice wife!  She told us he was fishing, so we met with him down at the city park pond.  We brought him the information about where the addiction recovery classes were held and we brought him a couple of the booklets.  We invited him to church, and he said he would try to make it.  We didn't see him this week, but we'll get him to come!  I love having these little experiences as missionaries! 

        We taught a wonderful dinner appointment lesson to a family where the dad is struggling with his testimony.  A lot of people in our elders quorum are having troubles with their testimonies, and Elder Kimball and I were trying to figure out the best way we could help those who are in need.  We decided to share Alma 32:21, 27-28, 42-43.  We focused on having that finding Faith, and how we do that every day as missionaries.  After reading these scriptures, we challenged him and his family to read from the Book Of Mormon, and pray to Heavenly Father to ask if it is true.  We promised them that as they do so, acting in Faith, they will know the truthfulness of these things, and it will strengthen their testimonies!  I would like to ask you guys to do the same!  I have seen as I have read from the Book Of Mormon daily, and as I have prayed to know if it's true, that it honestly builds my testimony stronger and stronger.  We all need that testimony strengthening each and every day do combat what the adversary throws at us.  I know that as you do so, acting in Faith, you can know the truthfulness of the Book Of Mormon and its teachings. 

        I had a great District Meeting Thursday Morning, and Sister McMurray and her daughter Emily came!  It was awesome to have them.  This week I focused on Preach My Gospel Ch. 10, How can I Improve My Teaching Skills.  After praying about what I should focus my training on, I felt that the most important thing was to have everyone come prepared with a question, and we would talk about all of them.  It was amazing!  Everyone participated so much, and I learned a lot.  One thing that stood out to me was when someone asked, What if you don't feel like you have the Spirit with you in lessons?  The conversation got really in depth about why some of us don't feel like we have many spiritual promptings all of the time.  I loved someone's quote of what President McMurray said about that.  He said something to the effect of, "As missionaries, we have the Spirit with us 24/7, so of course we aren't going to feel a huge spiritual difference when we receive spiritual promptings.  Any good thought is from the Holy Ghost, and we need to learn to act upon all the good thoughts we have."  This struck me.  Before these super spiritual experiences that Elder Kimball and I had this past week, I thought I wasn't receiving as many spiritual promptings that I should have been, and it was pretty difficult for me.  After I heard that quote, I now understand that I do receive more spiritual promptings than I had previously thought, it just isn't a huge change at all because I am a missionary who is set apart to have the Spirit to be with me always!  It was a really cool experience for me. 

        Sorry this letter is so long!  There were just so many miracles that happened, and I had to share all of them.   I love you guys so much, and hope you all have a safe, spiritual week!  Thanks for all the support! 

Elder Bailey

P.S.  Thanks for the package mom, it's always nice to eat your incredible cookies! :)

1. Literally the biggest mailbox I've ever seen......
2. The Bear.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

3/13/17 | Chad's on date to be Baptized!

This week was so crazy!  I honestly don't know where to start.
We had our interviews with President McMurray this week, and we heard
some sad news...... he told Elder Kimball and I that we were
definitely going to get split up next transfer to help some other
missionaries out.  It was really hard to hear this news, but I'm so
grateful for the time I've had with him.  We have become such amazing
friends, and we've done so much good in our area.  It's going to be
hard to leave Elder Kimball, but I know that if President needs us to
help out other missionaries in the mission who are struggling, I'm up
for the job.  We find out next Saturday if we are being moved or not,
so make sure not to send anything because I might be leaving!  This
last week Elder Kimball and I will have together will be one of the
best in my mission, guaranteed!
        We met up with Chad this week quite a bit, and had an amazing
lesson with him this past Wednesday.  We taught him the Restoration,
and showed him the new "Ask of God" Restoration video on  The
lesson went so well, and as we started to talk about Baptism, Chad
asked us a question.  He asked, "Then does that mean my Baptism wasn't
valid?"  The day earlier we had just watched one of the District
videos in 12-week training that showed what not to say when someone
asks that question, and we role-played how we would answer in that
situation.  We knew exactly what to say!  We explained that Heavenly
Father was so grateful and proud that he had made that choice to come
closer to Christ, but that his Baptism was lacking the sacred
covenants we make with our Heavenly Father.  He totally understood as
we explained about how having the Priesthood Authority from God is
essential to being Baptized as Jesus Christ was Baptized.  We asked
him if he would follow the example of Jesus Christ, and be baptized on
April 8th by someone holding the Priesthood Authority from God.  He
was a little hesitant, but asked if we could pray about it right
there, so we did.  After the prayer, we sat there in silence for what
seemed like 5-10 minutes.  He finally popped his head up and said, "I
feel good about it."  We were so excited!  We invited him to come to
church this past Sunday, and he said he would.  On Sunday we called
him to wake him up, but after about three times we got a little
worried.  We said a prayer that he would wake up and want to answer
his phone, and the next time we called he answered!  We talked to him
for about 15 minutes, and finally got him to come.  We brought Chad a
bagel to his apartment, and waited for him.  He came out, followed us
over to church, and stayed for all three hours!  There were so many
people who came up to meet him, and he felt so welcomed!  Elder
Kimball and I were so happy to see the outcome of our hard work, it is
honestly the best feeling to see someone progressing and coming closer
to Jesus Christ!  I can't wait to see how Chad progresses over the
next few weeks (if I'm still here hopefully!).
        Elder Kimball and I had wonderful experiences Tracting this
week as well!  On Tuesday we Tracted with no success, until the last
house we knocked on.  A Hispanic woman named Ana opened the door and
we explained who we were, and what we teach about.  We noticed that
she had a million little kids running around, so we explained about
the Book Of Mormon and asked if there was a time we could come back to
teach her how families can be together forever.  She accepted a Book
Of Mormon and told us to come back next week.  I can't wait to see
what happens with this family!  Later in the week we had a weird
experience with a man who opened his door.  He knew who we were, and
started joking with us and asked us if we came to Colorado for the
"dankies", we assured him that we hadn't come for that..... but that
we were here to teach people about Jesus Christ and the Book Of
Mormon!  Just as we said that, he for a phone call for work and said
to come back anytime, so of course we did!  The next day we came back
to a different man on the front porch.  We got talking with the new
guy, and the dankies man came out too!  Dankies man wasn't really
interested, but the new guy we met was pretty interested!  His name is
Tyler, and he invited us inside to talk.  He gave us waters (mine was
orange flavored, honestly the best water I've had in my life!) and we
talked for about 45 minutes.  We asked him if he knew his purpose here
on earth, he told us he didn't, and we got to explain a little why we
were sent here onto earth.  We asked if there was a time we could come
back and talk a little more about what we believe, and he said he was
busy most days, but to text him on Sunday's to see if he was open!
This was honestly the first real success that Elder Kimball and I have
seen while Tracting.  I know that if we do put forth the effort,
Heavenly Father puts those elect people in our paths to help them come
closer to their Savior, Jesus Christ.  I am honestly starting to love
Tracting, you literally never know what you're going to get!
         We had the opportunity to help two people move this Saturday,
and that was good!  The first move was pretty gross!  We helped them
load up everything in their unorganized garage, and found some mice
nests but no biggie.  The second move was with our Ward Mission
Leader, Brother Mitchell, and that it went great!  It was all
organized and way easier than the first.  We didn't think much of it,
but during fast and testimony meeting yesterday, Brother Mitchell got
up and started crying when he bore his testimony.  He said how much he
appreciated us missionaries in the ward, and he was so grateful for
our help.  He told the Ward that if there was anyone that they thought
needed the Gospel, to have them call us because we were amazing!  It
was such a confidence booster for Elder Kimball and I to know that we
are doing things right out here in the mission field!
         This week I was studying in Alma again about Helaman's 2,000
Stripling Warriors.  I really loved in Alma 56:44-48, when it says how
much courage they put forth to fight the strongest army of the
Lamanites, and how they did not doubt what their mothers taught them.
I applied this to my life, and how much of an example you are to me
Mom!  All growing up I knew you knew this Gospel was true, and you and
Dad helped me gain such a strong testimony on my own, and I am so
grateful for that!  I know that as you all look towards the best
examples in your life, your parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts,
friends, you will begin to notice how much they have helped you in
your own personal life!  I have so much courage and strength because
of those wonderful examples in my life, and I know that every single
person who lives on this earth has an example in their life.  I would
invite you all to thank that specific person for their example or to
think about them if they have passed on, and to truly see how you
became who you are today because of that person. I know that if you
do, your perspective will change!

I love you guys so much, and  I am so grateful for all of your
examples towards me.  It has been so awesome to feel that love and
support every week, and I know you have all played a part in my
happiness so far on my mission.  I hope you guys have a great week!

Elder Bailey

A very friendly stray cat ran into our Zone Leaders Apartment the
other day when we were cooking dinner there.  Turns out it's pregnant
too! & we ran into Bird Man while Tracting!

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

3/6/17 | This Week Flew By!

 I honestly can't believe I'm writing again, this past week felt like a day!  Well, Happy Birthday this week Alyssa and Dad!  I love you guys so much, and I'm so grateful for your examples!  I hope you two have such a fantastic week!  I sent you both letters, so be checking the mail the next few days for those. :)  

      This week has been so good!  Most of our week has been focused a lot on finding new potential investigators, visiting less-actives, and of course our current investigators!  We found a few new people to teach, but the one we are most excited for is Steve.  While on exchanges with some elders in my district, Elder Kimball went to go visit a family that a member asked us to check up on.  Turns out they moved, but they found Steve and his girlfriend.  They are really interested, and we are going to visit them this week.  I went to go visit less-actives on exchanges, and we found Brother Evans.  At first he looked like a hard-core biker man, but he opened up and told us his story.  He explained how his wife isn't a member, and that she is pretty anti.  We invited him back to church, and he told us he has been wanting to for sometime now!  He said he would try to make it next week, so hopefully we'll see him there!  Chad invited us to get smoothies with him, so we went, and we talked for awhile about what he's going through right now.  We promised him that we would be there for him every step of the way, and then we invited  him to come to church with us!  He accepted, but he couldn't make it this week because of work, but he will be attending church with us this next week.  I can't wait for him to come and enjoy the spirit that is in Sacrament Meeting.  We tried visiting with our other investigators this week, but they were all busy with something.  We are planning to meet with them all this week, and I can't wait to teach them again!

       Our mission is focusing a lot on using and vitalizing Facebook proselyting for members.  In dinner appointments with older families and younger couples, we are using Facebook to help spread the Gospel to their friends!  We invited some members last week to share something on Facebook that was Gospel related, and we followed up with them the other night.  All they did was post a little Mormon Message on their Facebook and through that they received positive feedback!  One friend told them that her grand-mother was just diagnosed with terminal cancer, and that she wasn't going to live much longer.  This member was able to share a little of the Plan of Salvation to bring comfort to their friend while they were going through this hard time.  I know that sharing the Gospel through social media is such a wonderful tool that Heavenly Father has provided for us!  For Dinner appointments with members we watch a Mormon Message called Sharing Your Beliefs.  In this video, President Uchtdorf explains how we need to use social media to share the Gospel with all the world.  It explains so well how social media can be used for such good!  I invite all of you to watch this video and to utilize these wonderful tools that He has given to us, and share the Gospel with your friends.  Even if it's just a little video or a small thought, I know that those little things go a long way in helping others come closer to Christ!  

       We had Stake Conference this past Saturday night and Sunday!  It was so amazing!  We had the privilege to hear from the Temple President and his wife, President and Sister McMurray, and many other wonderful speakers!  They all focused on Family History work.  I want to share a few quotes that I wrote down during these sessions.  

When we do Family History and Temple Work we feel the Spirit of Elijah! 
L- Learning
V- Victories
E- Eternity 

"You are never too young to learn, and you are never too old to change." -President Russell M. Nelson

         There was another really interesting thing that the Stake President said concerning family prayer.  He quoted, "Family Prayer once a day was once good enough, but in the future it is going to be necessary to have Family Prayer both morning and at night."  Isn't that so true!  Family prayer is one of the most critical things that we can have as families along with family scripture study!  Satan is trying harder and harder to get us to go astray, but I know that having that family prayer twice a day will help us have Heavenly Father there to protect us throughout our entire day.  I was reading in Alma 56 this past week about the 2,000 Stripling Warriors, and I have always loved when it mentions how they learned from their mothers.  They learned to pray, study the scriptures, and love Heavenly Father!  They were doing the little things to strengthen their testimonies.  I know that if you all do these little things, building up our individual armor, it will provide a way for us to be defended from satan's blows!  I know this to be true!

It has been such a fantastic week here is Greeley, Colorado!  I love you guys so much, and I am so grateful for the love and support I feel each and every day.  I hope you guys have a great week!  

Elder Bailey

I love to see the temple! 

President McMurray shared this with us at our last Zone Conference, I
thought you guys might like it as well!  Love ya!

Some friends, especially the three in the back.