Monday, August 28, 2017

8/28/17 | Miracle Week!

       What a week!  It was an incredible one. We had exchanges this
past week, and I was with Elder Spence!  He is a brand new missionary
who is being trained here in Cheyenne.  We had an amazing exchange!
We had the opportunity to go onto the F.E Warren Air Force Base
because a member, Major Biggs, was giving us a free desk.  It was a
really interesting place, we felt like we stepped back in time 100
years!  There are a ton of old huge houses that they still use, so it
was pretty cool.  Major Biggs took us out to lunch as well, it was
awesome!  After that Elder Spence and I had a really good
Companionship Study where we talked about a lot of stuff he was
dealing with, and it went super well!  He was very thankful for it.
Elder Tippetts and Elder Prescott took the Tacoma for the rest of the
day, then Elder Spence and I walked all over our area.  Our goal was
to talk with everyone, so we did!  We saw the miracles come from that!
 No one really wanted to listen to our message, but we kept
persevering, and we walked passed these two people in a car on the
side of the road.  We waived, and they rolled down the window.  Their
names are Talisha and DJ.  We talked with them, and testified of the
Book Of Mormon's truthfulness and of the power of prayer.  They
accepted a Book Of Mormon and we got their number.  We are going to
contact them this week to set up a return appointment, we hope
something comes from this!  It was an amazing exchange, talking with
everyone brings forth blessings, I know that to be true!
       We were able to teach Janet three times this past week!  It was
awesome!  We were going to talk a lot about her needing to read from
the Book Of Mormon in order to progress.  We showed up and she had
read from the Book Of Mormon on her own!  We were so happy!  She also
mentioned to us that she, all of the sudden, had absolutely no desire
to drink coffee or tea.  She said she used to drink eight cups of
coffee and two jugs of tea a day, then in the past week she couldn't
stand the taste of either of them.  We told her that it sounded like
she was living the Word of Wisdom without even knowing it!  What a
miracle!  We read D&C 89 with her, and it was amazing!  She said that
she is becoming a Mormon already!  She is also starting to get food
storage,  because she feels that she needs to be prepared all of the
sudden as well!  She is starting to recognize the importance of the
Book Of Mormon, and she told us that she has learned so much more from
reading than reading summaries.  Before this, Janet was worried she
wouldn't get The Book Of Mormon, so she was looking up cliff notes on
it.  We had been testifying that she would learn 100x more from
reading The Book Of Mormon than any other summary or video could
explain, because the Holy Ghost is the real teacher!  She is finally
seeing that, and gaining a testimony of it.  She read a lot in between
our other lessons and now she is truly starting to progress in the
Gospel of Jesus Christ, it makes me so happy!  We talked with her
about attending church, and she is so so close!  As it states in Ether

6 And now, I, Moroni, would speak somewhat concerning these things; I
would show unto the world that faith is things which are hoped for and
not seen; wherefore, dispute not because ye see not, for ye receive no
witness until after the trial of your faith.

         Janet is starting to understand that she has to attend church
to gain a witness to know if it is true or not.  She will for sure
attend church soon, we know she will!  I really can't explain how it
feels to see someone change, and come closer to Jesus Christ.  It is
one of the most joyous things I have experienced!  It is making Elder
Tippetts and I so excited to see how Janet will continue to progress!
        We helped a non-members out last week with their Alpaca farm.
We drove out with him to Albin, Wyoming to load straw onto his
trailer.  We loaded 120 bales onto the trailer, then got back and took
it all off to stack it in his barn.  It was hot, and Elder Tippetts
and I were dying.  Haha, both of our sinus's were absolutely
destroyed, because of all the hay dust and alpaca dust everywhere.  It
was probably a sight to see us all sweaty, sneezing our guts out,
stacking straw in a barn!  Haha, it was a little miserable, but these
people are very old and definitely couldn't have done this on their
own.  During the service, whenever I thought about how miserable it
was, I couldn't stop thinking about what the Savior would be doing and
thinking in this situation.  He would definitely be thinking of every
way he could help these individuals and not think once about himself.
It helped me think more positively, and feel such a tremendous amount
of love for the people we were serving.  It was an awesome experience!
        We have had amazing success with "The Rescue" Plan that we
have been trying to implement in our wards.  I guess just a reminder,
it is for members of the Ward to focus on less active members that
they know who they can reach out to and bring us with them for a visit
and lesson.  The Monterey Heights Ward is amazing at it, and they are
embracing it so much!  We are starting to receive a lot of referrals
for this, and we are so excited!  There is so much work to do here,
and all we had to do was just start to work with members!  We have
been meeting with individual families, presenting the Rescue Plan, and
it has been absolutely incredible of the results!  I know that this
plan has come from God, through President McMurray and Elder De Feo.
It is amazing!  In the weeks to come, we will definitely see the
fruits from this plan!  We can't wait!
        In my personal study this week, I was in Ether, and it was
absolutely amazing!  One of my favorite verses was in Ether 12:27, it
27 And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I
give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is
sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they
humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make
weak things become strong unto them.
        I have such a strong testimony of this verse!  If we humble
ourselves before God with faith, we will be able to push through any
trial and adversity we go through!  I absolutely know this to be true,
I have seen this in my life and it has strengthened me tremendously!
I am so grateful for a loving Heavenly Father who loved us enough to
send His Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to atone for all of our sins
so that we can live with Him once more!  I am grateful for that with
all of my soul! I hope you all know how much Heavenly Father loves
you!  Never forget that!  If you ever want to know that for yourself
for sure, just ask Him!  He'll answer your prayers through the power
of the Holy Ghost.  I hope you all have a great week! I'm grateful for
all of the support and love that I feel from each of you.  I love you

Elder Bailey

1-2 Alpaca service!
3-4 houses on the Air Force Base with Elder Spence!

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

8/21/17 | Solar Eclipse Today!

 This past week was a pretty good one, other than Elder Tippetts
and I got sick from some other missionaries, but it's all good!  We're
feeling a little better today, but still pretty tired.  Today is the
great solar eclipse, and Wyoming is honestly going crazy!  Some
members told us that the population of Wyoming is supposed to double
for the day, so it is going to be crazy!  Here in Cheyenne it won't be
the full eclipse, but it will be super close so we will get to see it
around 12:00 this afternoon.  Don't worry mom, I got some certified
glasses so I won't burn my eyes out! :)
       We have had three lessons with Janet this week, and she is
doing a little better!  We tried inviting her to church, but she still
says she isn't ready to come to an organized church yet.  We realized
that all we need to focus on is continually inviting her to read from
The Book Of Mormon, because we know that as she reads and gains a
testimony of The Book Of Mormon, the rest will come!  Our last lesson
we had was on Friday, and we brought a recent convert named Jan Ross
to the lesson.  Jan brings us to lunch every week, and is absolutely
amazing!  Her testimony and her story is incredible, and it was so
amazing to have her there for Janet's lesson. Jan told her story,
testified of the truthfulness of The Book Of Mormon, and invited Janet
to attend church with her.  Janet still expressed discomfort of coming
to church, so Jan handled it like a champ and invited Janet to read
from The Book Of Mormon.  We all testified that if she did so, her
troubles would be eased, and she would have a greater desire to attend
church.  Janet said she would diligently find time to read, so we are
praying she will do so!  She said it is really hard to "find the time"
to read from The Book Of Mormon, which is absolutely true!  Of course
it is hard to find the time to do what Heavenly Father wants us to do!
 Satan is trying his hardest, and doing all he can to make us feel
like we don't have time to do the most essential things of the Gospel.
If we are looking for a time to read our scriptures we aren't doing it
the best way!  As we have time set apart to read from The Book Of
Mormon, and plan everything around that, there will always be time for
scripture study!  As we make the Gospel of Jesus Christ our focus, we
will see Heavenly Fathers blessings be poured upon us!  He wants us to
be happy, all we need to do is obey what He has asked us to do.  The
commandments shouldn't be seen as restrictions, they are honestly the
means by which we can have happiness in our everyday lives!  You can
just see a difference in those who keep the commandments and those who
do not.  We come across them whenever we go Tracting!  It is so sad to
see people who are so angry with everything and then they reject us,
when we know that they could find so much happiness with the Gospel of
Jesus Christ in their lives.  I know that as you all strive to keep
the commandments which God has given us, you will be happier in your
everyday life.
       We had our Zone Conference this week, which was great!  The
main focus was having the Faith to find, setting good goals, and being
exactly Obedient.  President McMurray is always so inspiring, and I
feel so uplifted whenever we receive guidance from him.  I know he is
an inspired man!  I know as Elder Tippetts and I set good goals and
put our faith in the Lord to find people, we will find more people to
teach!  President McMurray promised us that as we set goals, and
remained diligent in all our missionary work, we will find people to
teach.  I know that promise is from our Heavenly Father, and He will
send us people who are ready to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ!  It
will be so awesome to see the fruits from our labors as we do what
President has asked us to do.

       I was studying this past week in Ether 2:22-25. This is when
the Brother of Jared is asking Heavenly Father how they will have
light in their barges as they cross the ocean.  It says,

22 And he cried again unto the Lord saying: O Lord, behold I have done
even as thou hast commanded me; and I have prepared the vessels for my
people, and behold there is no light in them. Behold, O Lord, wilt
thou suffer that we shall cross this great water in darkness?
23 And the Lord said unto the brother of Jared: What will ye that I
should do that ye may have light in your vessels? For behold, ye
cannot have windows, for they will be dashed in pieces; neither shall
ye take fire with you, for ye shall not go by the light of fire.
24 For behold, ye shall be as a whale in the midst of the sea; for the
mountain waves shall dash upon you. Nevertheless, I will bring you up
again out of the depths of the sea; for the winds have gone forth out
of my mouth, and also the rains and the floods have I sent forth.
25 And behold, I prepare you against these things; for ye cannot cross
this great deep save I prepare you against the waves of the sea, and
the winds which have gone forth, and the floods which shall come.
Therefore what will ye that I should prepare for you that ye may have
light when ye are swallowed up in the depths of the sea?

       I love these scriptures!  Heavenly Father tells the Brother of
Jared that He will prepare a way for them to cross the ocean safely,
then He asks "Therefore what will ye that I should prepare for you
that he may have light...?"  I asked myself a similar question after I
read this, what ways has Heavenly Father provided for me to have light
in my life?  His son, Jesus Christ is the ultimate source of light in
our lives through His everlasting Atonement, but he has prepared many
things to feel that light in our lives.  The words of Modern Day
prophets and apostles, The Book Of Mormon, prayer, this Restored
Gospel, Families, etc.  There are many ways we can receive that light
into our lives, and I'd like to invite you to think of the ways in
which you have received that light in your life.  If you feel you need
that light or more happiness in your life, I can promise you can
receive that light through the ways I've mentioned above.  I invite
each of you to vitalize the ways Heavenly Father has provided for us
to receive that light, I know that if you do so, you will be so much
happier and life will go so much better!  With our Heavenly Fathers
help, through His son Jesus Christ, we can receive the greatest amount
of light possible.

       Remember, the pure source of light is from our Savior, Jesus
Christ.  His light is represented in His restored Gospel here on the
earth through the prophet Jospeh Smith.  I love that man!  He
sacrificed his whole life to the service of his Heavenly Father, and I
will forever be in debt to his faithful service to Jesus Christ's
church.  Today President Monson celebrates his 90th birthday.  I
sustain him as the prophet, seer, and revelator on the earth today to
guide not only the church, but the whole world in these troubling
times.  He may be weak and frail in his mortal body from old age, but
his Spirit is still as strong as ever!  I thank Heavenly Father for
giving us a prophet here on the earth today, without revelation and
guidance through him, we would be lost!  I hope we never take this
Gospel for granted.  I love this Gospel, I love sharing it with
everyone I can, and I'm grateful for all of you.  Heavenly Father
loves you, and wants us all to be happy.  I hope you all have a
fantastic week!

Elder Bailey

Dropped off Elder Nibley at the mission home last week! Got to see Elder Gentry!

Thursday, August 17, 2017

8/14/17 | Another amazing week!

  It has been an amazing week!  I love it out here in Cheyenne,
and it truly has been another amazing week!  Let me tell you about it.
       We were able to teach Janet five times this past week, and it
was amazing!  She has been struggling with finding time to read from
the Book Of Mormon, and says whenever she sits down to read it,
something interferes.  Throughout our lessons this week, we read the
Book Of Mormon with her and had some really good lessons!  That was
our main focus throughout all the lessons!  Our last lesson on
Saturday evening was amazing!  We were able to bring our Bishop with
us, and he was perfect for the lesson!  Our focus was on coming to
church.  She has been struggling a lot with attending church because
of her past experiences with going to other church's.  We were able to
ease her fears and worries a little bit as we talked with her about
it.  We read Moroni 6:5-6, about meeting together often and how
important it is to partake of the Sacrament each week in remembrance
of our Savior Jesus Christ!  I love each and every week being able to
partake of the Sacrament, it is such an amazing thing that we have!
After we read these scriptures, we were able to testify and promise
Janet that she would feel welcome, loved, and at peace if she attended
church!  She was still feeling hesitant, so we read the sacramental
prayers in Moroni 4 and 5, and we had her read it.  As soon as she
started to read them, the Holy Ghost filled the room so strongly!  She
had to stop reading it a couple of times to grab a tissue, she told us
that she felt the Spirit so strongly, because she hasn't partaken of
communion or Sacrament in three years.  She has such an amazing desire
to come to church, she just has to overcome that fear to have the
confidence and faith to attend.  She told us that she wants to read
through the Book Of Mormon, so we invited her to do so daily.  We
promised her that as she does so, she will feel happier and gain a
testimony of the Book Of Mormon.  We also promised her that she will
have that desire to attend church, and her fears will be strengths.
It was so amazing to see the Spirit work with her.  The greatest joy
that we see is seeing people change, it is so amazing!  There is
nothing else like it!  I know that as each of you read from the Book
Of Mormon daily, and as you attend church each week, truly thinking of
the Savior, you will be able to strengthen your testimonies in this
restored gospel!  You will be able to resist all the temptations that
the adversary places before you, and you will be so much happier in
your life!  I know this to be true!
        Elder Tippetts and I were able to help out with the Wyoming
Breast Cancer Awareness Race this last Saturday!  We were given free
t-shirts for volunteering, and we guided traffic so the runners didn't
get run over!  It was a pretty good place to volunteer!  Being
involved in the community helps people trust us more and know we are
just normal people.  As people ran past we cheered them on and they
all noticed we were missionaries, it was sweet!  Elder Tippetts and I
were looking pretty fly with our safety vest on!  I'll send some pics
        This week we went on exchanges with Elder McFadden and Elder
Bush, I was able to go with Elder Bush!  One of our goals for the
exchange was to talk with everyone.  We had two amazing experiences
while we did so!  We were our visiting people, and we were going to go
and drive to another part of the area when we saw this punky teenager
riding his longboard on the side of the road.  We stopped as we drove
past and rolled down the window and started to talk to him!  We
testified of the Book Of Mormon, and asked if there was a time when we
could share that message with him.  He told us he was headed to
school, but we could come back to his house at 3:30, so we went later
and talked with him.  He is such a good kid!  We had him read Helaman
5:12, and after he read it, he told us "that's powerful!"  We promised
him that as he read from the Book Of Mormon, he would feel peace and
happiness, and feel that powerful witness of Jesus Christ whenever he
read it!  He accepted a Book Of Mormon, and we scheduled a time to
meet with him next week, it was incredible!  Even the roughest looking
people are ready to hear the Gospel, I have such a strong testimony of
it!  The other experience we had was when we were stuck in traffic
next to a school, and we rolled down the window and started to talk
with a family next to us.  We asked them if they knew about the Book
Of Mormon, and testified to them that it would bring their family
happiness if they read from it.  We handed them a copy through the
window, and they said they would read it!  It was amazing!  Talking
with everyone is such an amazing thing, I know Heavenly Father sends
us elect people as we put forth the effort to talk with everyone we
         We had interviews with President McMurray this past week, and
it was so awesome!  During our interview, President and I talked a lot
about our missions Book Of Mormon reading challenge.  President and I
are studying the same thing, The Doctrine of Jesus Christ (Faith,
Repentance, Baptism, Receiving the Gift of the Holy Ghost, and
Enduring to the End). It was so amazing to compare our markings in our
Book Of Mormon's side by side!  We had almost identical markings, and
it was amazing to see how much The Doctrine of Christ is throughout
the entire Book Of Mormon!  We also talked a lot about how we can help
Janet!  It was amazing to seek his advice so he can help out with it.
I love President McMurray!  He is such an inspired man.
         I am so grateful for being on my mission, and I'm so grateful
for Heavenly Father helping me be a tool in His hands to bring others
unto Jesus Christ and His restored Gospel!  I absolutely love it here
in Cheyenne, and I can't wait to see the many miracles that are going
to happen throughout the rest of this week, I love you guys so much!
I hope you all have an amazing week! Just remember how much the Savior
loves you!

Love, Elder Bailey

1. Breast Cancer awareness race!
2. Found this on the way to exchanges, hopefully I win!  Haha
3. Interesting things like this while Tracting!

Monday, August 7, 2017

8/7/17 | Miracles!

 This week was another amazing week in the great city of Cheyenne!
The weather has been so weird lately, the whole week was in the 50's
and 60's and it rained almost every day!  It's actually raining right
now as well.  We had another crazy hail storm, but the hail was small
this time so there wasn't any damage.  I honestly love rainy cloudy
weather so much, and it has been amazing for Tracting!  We have done A
LOT of Tracting this week, and I wouldn't change it for anything!
    Speaking of Tracting, we haven't found anymore golden
investigators yet, but we are confident that as we keep putting forth
the effort that Heavenly Father will send the elect people our way!
In D&C 29:7 it states,

7 And ye are called to bring to pass the gathering of mine elect; for
mine elect hear my voice and harden not their hearts;

    We are all called to gather the elect of the Lord, as we seek with
diligence and with a lot of prayer, we will be able to find those who
are ready to learn more about the Gospel of Jesus Christ and His
restored gospel!  I know this to be true, because I have witnessed it
with our investigator Janet.  Like I mentioned last week, we found her
after SO MANY no's!  We were able to meet with her on Tuesday night,
and she had researched a lot about the Book Of Mormon on the internet,
which was really good!  She got good information from the right
sources, and we were able to explain a lot to her.  We read the title
page from the Book Of Mormon, and Ezekiel 37:15-17 where it explains
the stick of Judah and the stick of Ephraim, or the Bible and the Book
Of Mormon, "shall become one in thine hand."  It was an amazing
lesson! We had our ward Mission Leader there with us, and it went
amazing!  Janet explained to us that after we left the first time we
met her, she was still feeling really sad and depressed, when she
walked into her backyard.  She said there was the most brilliant
amount of sunlight she has ever seen.  She said as soon as she walked
outside she felt the most overwhelming amount of love, joy, peace, and
comfort she has ever felt in her entire life!  She told us she knows
because of this sign that was given to her, that this is the path that
Heavenly Father wants her to be on!  She told us that she wants to
pursue this path that she has started on, and find out for herself if
this is true!  It was so amazing to hear her experience and her
testimony.  She asked if we could teach her every day, so we planned
on it!  The rest of the week she cancelled on us every single day, and
we didn't understand what was going on.  On Saturday she called and
cancelled again, a little later in the day we decided we needed to
call her back.  She answered and said we could come over in an hour.
We did, and she was having a really really hard week.  She said she
haven't been able to sleep, and she has been having very scary dark
thoughts, so we talked with her and brought another members from the
ward.  We were able to testify to her, about if she read from the Book
Of Mormon, and it was amazing!  The Holy Ghost was so strong as we did
so, and it brought her to tears!  It was amazing!  The next day we had
another lesson, and she asked us if we would dedicate her home and
give her a blessing.  We did, and the Spirit was so strong!  It was
incredible, and she was visibly happier after we gave her a blessing.
We taught her the Restoration, and she really enjoyed it!  When we
testified of the First Vision and Joseph Smith, the Spirit was
incredibly strong, and we know she was being touched by the Holy
Ghost.  We have lessons scheduled every day this week, and it is
honestly so amazing to see her progressing towards baptism!  She is
working towards coming to church, and gaining a testimony of the
prophet Joseph Smith and the Book Of Mormon, we can't wait to see how
she continues to change!  I love seeing people change through the
Gospel of Jesus Christ!
       We were able to teach Emily Turner again this past week in the
Webers home.  A little background again, her family is a reactivating
family that have been coming to church consistently for the past
month, and she wants to be baptized!  She is eight years old, and she
wants to be baptized, but doesn't know the principles of the Gospel
very well because she missed out on primary growing up.  We were able
to teach her the Plan of Salvation, and it was such a good lesson!
She is gaining so much knowledge, it's amazing!  It was awesome to
have the Webers present as well, so they could help teach her about
the Gospel as well!
       We had MLC this past week, and it was awesome to see all of my
friends in the mission again!  Elder Tippetts and I are honestly best
friends with everyone else in MLC, so it makes it fun!  Our mission is
struggling with the amount of people we have on date for baptism, so
we mainly focused on having the faith to find people to teach, and
putting in the effort.  Elder Tippetts and I are going to continue to
focus on diligently finding people to teach through Tracting!  We have
seen the blessings that come from it, and we want to show everyone in
the Cheyenne Zone that as we put forth the faith to find with
diligent, that they will find people to teach!  It should be awesome!
We are very excited to see more success as we do so!
        I can't wait for this week, to see more and more miracles as
we put forth the effort!  I was studying in 3 Nephi 11 this week, and
I absolutely love this chapter!  It is amazing to read about how Jesus
Christ visited the Americas.  I love to see how Heavenly Father loves
all of his children, in every part of the world!  I especially loved
verse 33, it states:

39 Verily, verily, I say unto you, that this is my doctrine, and whoso
buildeth upon this buildeth upon my rock, and the gates of hell shall
not prevail against them.

        I know that as you all build up your foundation on Jesus
Christ and His Gospel, you cannot fall!  Thanks for all the support
and love you show me, I'm grateful for you guys!  Love you!

Elder Bailey


1-2. The pics that Janet took!
3-4. MLC pics

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

7/31/17 | Cheyenne Frontier Days

This week was so crazy!  Whenever we have transfers, there is
always something crazy going on!  Tuesday and half of Wednesday this
week was filled with helping missionaries move and get situated for
the upcoming transfer, along with a bunch of other random stuff
missionaries needed.  It was hilarious how many missionaries needed
help!  We were glad to get back into normal working days again.
       Elder Tippetts and I had a fantastic first week of our
companionship!  We are already amazing friends, and we both have that
desire to work as hard as we can to find people to teach!  Our focus
for our companionship, especially for this transfer, is diligence.
This is something our mission is lacking right now, and we want to set
the example for everyone to change!  I've heard from all of my mission
leaders, except for President McMurray, that Tracting is not an
effective way to find people to teach, so we have to focus elsewhere.
This isn't a bad thing to focus mainly on Less Actives, and working
mainly with members, which are both things we need to do as well, but
Elder Tippetts and I are focusing on finding through Tracting.  That's
what we did, and we saw the miracles come from it!  We talked to a lot
of people, getting rejected many times, but we continued on!  We found
seven people who wanted us to come back, and talk to them about the
Gospel more.  I'll focus on two of them!  The first guy, Joe, was such
a nice guy!  We started talking to him, and then I saw he had a bunch
of deer and elk mounted in his house.  I complimented him on them, and
that opened the door!  He started talking about hunting, then it
turned into his military career.  We talked with him for a solid 15-20
minutes, and near the end we offered him a Book Of Mormon, and invited
him to read from it.  He happily accepted and said we could come back
in two weeks after he gets back from vacation!  How amazing!  The next
one was an older lady named Janet.  She started to talk with us, and
recognized we were Mormon Missionaries.  She offered us some water and
we started to introduce ourselves and to talk about what we do as
missionaries.  She listened, then told us her whole life's story.  She
has had trouble with another church in the past, and they had
threatened to ruin her life if she exposed them.  This was a really
hard time for her, because she felt like she wanted to grow and come
closer to God while going to church, but she was being attacked by the
other people in the church.  She ended up not attending that church
anymore, then she tried another church.  The first time she attended,
a man came up behind her on the phone with somebody and it was the
leaders of the other church telling them to give her s hard time.
This continued on for many years, and she finally was absolutely done
with organized church's.  She expressed to us that she is in the
lowest point of her life right now, and honestly doesn't know what to
do.  She wants to attend bible studies, but doesn't want those people
to find out from her church that she is attending.  After she
expressed all of her feelings with us, we testified to her that
Heavenly Father loves her, knows her personally, and has a plan for
her!  We testified that if she read from the Book Of Mormon, she would
find peace among all of the struggles and trials she was going
through.  As we testified to her, the Spirit was so strong!  She
started to cry and had to leave to grab a few tissues.  It was amazing
to see the Holy Ghost work with someone, and touch her heart!  She
accepted a Book Of Mormon, and we invited her to read from it, and to
pray to Heavenly Father to know if it is true.  We promised her that
as she did so, she would receive an answer to her prayer.  We
scheduled our return appointment for Tuesday, and we will be studying
the Book Of Mormon and the Bible with her.  I honestly can't wait!  I
can testify that Tracting works!  The way the Lord blesses us as we
put forth the effort, and are diligent!  I can promise that as you put
forth the effort in anything, Heavenly Father will magnify you more
than you know!
     While we were Tracting, we got a random call.  The man on the
other end said that this was a relay call, and asked if we had ever
heard of it before.  We said we hadn't, so he explained to us that it
was a call from a deaf person who had him type up what we said and he
would say what the deaf person would say back.  Turns out it was a man
in the Wyoming State Prison, who is being released soon.  He explained
to us that he is a Mormon, but he just isn't baptized because he has
been in prison since he started attending the branch there.  He told
us his story, and said he would like to meet with us when he gets out,
so we are really excited to meet with him and teach him!  So amazing
how he found our number as well!
     We had an amazing free pancake breakfast this past Friday, and it
was fun to see and talk to people.  Each day they make thousands and
thousands of pancakes, it's incredible!  We were able to do a lot of
service for Cheyenne Frontier Days this past week!  On Friday and
Saturday night, we helped out with the ticket offices.  Our job was to
make sure everyone had a stamp or a ticket for the concerts or
carnival.  We were able to talk to thousands upon thousands of people!
 There were a lot of people who recognized us as missionaries and
talked to us, some members came through, but it was so fun to talk to
a ton of different people!  It was honestly the best service we could
have done, being able to talk to so many people was amazing!  I had a
ton of people ask me how tall I was, and they were just baffled to see
someone that tall, it was hilarious!  We were also able to push
handcarts again in the parade on Saturday!  It was so fun to be a part
of such a big rodeo!  Elder Tippetts and I are already planning on
attending in future years, it's a fun experience!  There are a lot of
crazy people that come into town for that, so we had a couple of
hilarious conversations with drunk people, but we were safe so don't
worry! :)
      This week was absolutely amazing, and I can't wait to see what
this next one had in store for Elder Tippetts and I!  It is so amazing
to see the fruits from our labors, it makes me so happy to know that I
am helping Heavenly Father touch many lives here in Wyoming, I can't
wait to find more of the elect as we tract a ton this week.  Remember
Heavenly Father loves you, and knows each of you individually.  He
wants us all to be happy, and the Book Of Mormon and Gospel of Jesus
Christ provides that!  Hope you all have a fantastic week, thanks for
all of the support!

Elder Bailey

1-2: found this while Tracting!
3: parade round two
4: makes sense 🍍, only in Wyoming.....