Tuesday, July 3, 2018

7/3/18 | Can’t believe it is July!!

 This past week was pretty crazy!  We had transfers last Wednesday, and it made a few of our days pretty crazy!  Happy Fourth of July tomorrow!  I’m grateful to not only live in the United States if America, but to be serving as a missionary here too!  Im glad we live in a land where we can practice what we believe, and that has religious freedom.  I’m grateful for our founding fathers who established this land of religious freedom so that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ could restore the true church and priesthood authority back onto the earth!!  Truly amazing!  I’m grateful for all of those who have served, and who are serving in the armed forces so that we could retain this freedom!  God Bless America! 🇺🇸🦅🇺🇸
     On transfer day, we got a text from our bishop saying that someone needed a blessing at the hospital, so we headed over there and got to give this man a blessing!  Turns out he is from Riverton, and is in the ward where I started my mission, so cool!  His name was James After Buffalo, and he is a Native American.  The blessing was very powerful, and you could definitely feel the spirit as we gave it to him!  I love administering blessings to those in need, it is always a very amazing experience!  I’m grateful that Heavenly Father gave us the gift of the Restoration of the Gospel, which encompasses the Restoration of Priesthood Authority!  It is amazing to see and feel the power of the Priesthood to bless the lives of all of God’s children!  Truly a huge blessing in our lives!!
      Another missionary had to go down with the Zone Leaders to Colorado for MLC for a doctors appointment, so Elder Williamson and I were able to have Elder Littlewood with us from Thursday night through Friday!  I came out with him, so it was really fun to catch up with him, and have a great day!  Our day was mostly filled with finding furniture, lamps, etc for their apartment. (When they got here, there was absolutely nothing in their apartment........ except for two mattresses......). So since the Zone Leaders were gone and couldn’t help, we were able to pack a ton of stuff into our car and get a lot of great stuff for their apartment!  We went to yard sales, got stuff from Facebook marketplace, and we were able to have Gospel conversations with the people we bought or got stuff from!  So cool!  Their apartment is looking a lot more like a home, but if is still a pretty grubby place....... glad we could help them out and find a ton of good stuff!
      So big news in the missionary world, the missionary department updated Preach My Gospel in the past week!  So there are some changes on the Gospel Library version.  I thought I used to know the lessons pretty well, but now this is throwing me three the loop!  I’m definitely going to need to study extra hard to learn the new parts of all the lessons, but that’s kind of crazy!  They also got rid of “New Investigators” and we now call them “New People Being Taught” which encompasses all Progressing, Other, and New Investigators.  Crazy stuff!!  It is so weird that things are changing, but I know that it is all inspired and comes from what the Lord needs us to teach people!  We will definitely try to get the new stuff down so we can teach it effectively!
      In church this past Fast Sunday, I had the opportunity to bear my testimony as my first Sunday in the ward!  It was a great opportunity to introduce myself to the whole ward, and I’m grateful I did so!  I had the strongest feeling I needed to go up, because someone who was visiting needed to talk to me.  So I did, and after sacrament meeting ended, a young girl came up to me and said hi.  She said she saw me get up to share my testimony, and their whole family new who I was, “the tall Elder!”  Haha. Turns out to be a part member family I knew when I served in Cheyenne!  They were so happy to see me and they said they loved hearing my testimony.  Super cool, glad I was able to see them again!
      Yesterday we went Tracting in an apartment complex, and saw some absolutely amazing success!  It took us an hour just to tract one building out at this place, and we found five people to teach!  We were able to give two of them copies of The Book Of Mormon, and we got all of their phone numbers to get in contact with them.  So amazing!  I love being able to reach out to people, and I can’t wait to continue to do that this transfer with Elder Williamson!  It should be an amazing time with him, he is awesome!  We have some return appointments with the people we met for this week, so we are very excited to teach them!!
       While I was studying Preach My Gospel this past week in Ch. 4, I came across a scripture that was referenced, it is Alma 17:3, it states,

3 ​But this is not all; they had given themselves to much prayer, and ​​​fasting​; therefore they had the spirit of prophecy, and the spirit of revelation, and when they taught, they taught with ​​​power​ and authority of God.

       This is when Alma see’s his dear friends, the sons of Mosiah, again!  It says that they prayed and fasted a lot, and because of that they received spiritual gifts and taught with the power and authority of God!  I asked myself this question, Don’t we all want the power and authority of God to be with us always?  If we do, we need to be doing these small and simple things each and every day!  I know that as you focus on personal and family scripture study and prayer, you will have the power and authority of God as you do those things necessary to attain it!  I know that it is by these small means, that great things truly come to pass!  I love you guys and hope you all have a fantastic week! :)

Elder Bailey 

1. The puppy we rescued!
2. Saw this incredible doggy backpack! 
3. Some members we said bye to from our last ward! 

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