Monday, April 24, 2017

4/24/17 | Greeley is amazing!

   This week went great here in the wonderful Greeley Colorado!  I just can't believe that I'm writing another email again, weeks are starting to feel like days! We had a fantastic lesson with a part member family, the Pritchard's!  We have been trying to meet with them for awhile now, and we were driving past one day two weeks ago and we saw them in their garage, so we stopped and talked to them.  They said to come by Tuesday night of last week.  We came and that fell through, but Brother Pritchard said to come by the same time next week.  We came this past Tuesday, and they were so happy to welcome us in their home!  We talked with them for awhile, and got to know them very well.  We then taught the Restoration, and it was absolutely amazing!  The whole family was engaged in the lesson, even the non-member father, and they were so excited to learn about Joseph Smith and the Book Of Mormon!  The Spirit was so strong as we shared Joseph's account of the First Vision, and we could tell that it had touched their hearts.  We left the invitation with them to do read from the Book Of Mormon as a family, and individually, and to pray to their Heavenly Father if it is true.  We promised them that as they did so, they would receive an answer, because our loving Heavenly Father wants us to find the truth if we ask sincerely with an open heart.  We set up a return appointment with them for this upcoming week at the same time!  We will be reading the Book of Mormon with them, I can't wait!!
      We had some really cool experiences while Tracting this past week as well!  We have been trying out a new way of going Tracting, where we start with a prayer, and drive wherever we feel prompted to go to.  We have had some pretty cool experiences through this!  Our first one was with a lady who had just gotten home from the store.  We talked with her about what she knew about Mormons, and she said quite a bit because they stay in Marriott hotels wherever they go!  She said she had even read a little of the Book Of Mormon because there is one in every room in the Marriott hotels!  I thought this was awesome!  We taught her a little short version of the Restoration, and gave her a copy of the Book Of Mormon.  She said she would talk with her husband about when we could come back and teach them some of the key principles of the Gospel of Jesus Christ!  She was so receptive!  The next day, it was cold and rainy, but that didn't stop us!  Our dinner got pushed back, so we decided to tract right where we were.  The rain wasn't too bad when we started, so we headed down the street.  Just three houses in, we met a man named David.  We started to talk with him, and we asked him if he had ever heard of Mormon Missionaries or the Book Of Mormon?  He said he had a little, so we explained to him what the Book Of Mormon was, and how it can bless all of those who read from it and apply its teachings.  He accepted a copy of the Book Of Mormon, and we challenged him to read and pray to know if it was true for himself.  He accepted the invitation gladly!  We asked if there was a time when we could come back and teach him and his family how they can live and be together forever!  He said to come over on Monday night, so we will be dropping by tonight to teach him and his family the Restoration!  I'm so excited to teach him and his family!  After we talked with him, we continued to tract.  By this time it was absolutely pouring rain.  We started to run from house to house to hide under their porches.  Then it was time to head to dinner, so we ran back to the car.  Elder Merrill had a jacket and I hadn't worn one that day, so I was soaked through all of my clothes!  We found one family to bring unto Christ, and that's what made it totally worth it! 

        We had interviews this past week with President McMurray, and they were so awesome!  I love being able to talk with my mission President one on one.  I can truly feel his love that he has for all of us missionaries, it's incredible!  We talked about a lot of things, but we talked a bit about how our mission is starting a Book Of Mormon challenge, from April 16th to September 3rd.  The challenge is focused on 1. Focusing on something that will bring us closer to Jesus Christ, and 2. Uniting us as a mission!  What I chose to focus my study on was The Gospel of Jesus Christ, so Faith, Repentance, Baptism, Receiving the Gift of the Holy Ghost, and Enduring to the End.  In order to finish this challenge we have to read 27 pages per week.  I am so excited for this, because I have seen it bring me closer to my Savior already, and I have understood the Book Of Mormon so much better than I had before!  President McMurray showed me how he was doing his challenge, so I am following a little of what he showed me.  I know that through reading the Book Of Mormon everyone can come to know of its truthfulness!  I am excited for this challenge to strengthen my testimony of the Book Of Mormon, Jesus Christ, and the prophet Joseph Smith!  I wanted to share an insight from my studies this week.  I read this verse in 1 Nephi 10:19,

19 For he that diligently seeketh shall find; and the mysteries of God shall be unfolded unto them, by the power of the Holy Ghost, as well in these times as in times of old, and as well in times of old as in times to come; wherefore, the course of the Lord is one eternal round.

          God will never change!  He is constant, and will always answer His children's prayers if they seek and ask diligently!  Heavenly Father is always there to listen, and answer your prayers.  We just need to be willing to heed to His council, and change.  I know this to be true!  It brings me great joy to know that I have a loving Heavenly Father who wants me to speak to Him!  I know that as you all pray and seek for answers, you will receive them through the gift and power of the Holy Ghost!  

          We went on exchanges with our Zone Leaders again this past week.  I was with Elder McFadden again, and it was awesome!  We taught a lesson to two non-members who were very strong and knowledgeable of the Bible.  They came to bash, but Elder McFadden and I didn't let them!  Every question they had about the Book Of Mormon, we backed it up with the Bible.  The best and strongest thing that we can do in these situations is to testify of what we know to be true!  Elder McFadden and I testified strongly of the things we had strong testimonies in, and it invited the Spirit so well!  I through one of them asked a very good question, she asked "I noticed something as you guys were speaking, how you said you know these things to be true.  Most people say they believe what they do to be true, but they never say they know.  How do and can you two know this to be true?"  What a question?!  We testified to her that God had given us that true witness of these things because we asked sincerely and with open hearts.  We said we know these things to be true, because God has witnessed it unto us, and we cannot deny it.  It was a very amazing lesson, and I know that they both felt the Spirit touch their hearts as we testified!  

          Yesterday was a very interesting Sunday.  From Tracting in the cold rain, Elder Merrill got a little sick with a cold.  We didn't really think anything of it, but he was getting worse and worse.  We made it to Sacrament Meeting but Elder Merrill wasn't feeling good at all.  He was shivering, dizzy, running into things and almost fell over a few times.  I took him home after Sacrament Meeting because he needed some rest.  He slept forever!  It was crazy!  Some members brought us over some medicine for him, and some chicken noodle soup that I made for dinner later that night, but I had a lot of time to burn.  I watched so many Mormon Messages, and many other church videos.  I had the chance to watch the movie, Joseph Smith: The Prophet of the Restoration, and honestly, I love that man with all of my soul.  If you haven't watched it in awhile, I challenge you to.  It is on  I know that as you watch this movie, you will come to love him so much more than you already do, and your testimony will grow.  I know that Jospeh Smith is the Prophet of the Restoration, and that he did translate the Book Of Mormon by the power of God!  He is my hero!

          Last thing, I was reading an article in this past week titled Understanding Your Patriarchal Blessing.  Anyone who has a Patriarchal Blessing should read this!  It was so awesome to read!  It will help you discover new insight and also help you truly understand your Patriarchal Blessing better.  I would encourage all of you who have a Patriarchal Blessing to read it, because I know it will help you.

          I love you all so much!  Thanks for all the support and love you always show for me here on my mission.  I appreciate what you guys do for me!  I hope you guys have a great week this week!  

Elder Bailey

1. Found this Tracting.
2. Dinner for the sick companion.

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