Tuesday, May 8, 2018

5/8/18 | So many Miracles!!

What a great week this past week!  Thanks for the package mom and dad!  I got all of the groomsmen stuff for Alyssa’s wedding, I’m so excited for you and Jake to get married this Saturday Alyssa!  Congratulations!  Can’t wait!  Wish I could be there, but that’s okay, I’m where I’m supposed to be!  I hope that it isn’t too stressful for you guys the next week!  I’ll be praying for you!  Hope everything goes according to plan!  Well, let me tell you guys about how amazing our week was this week!
    After P-day last week, we felt prompted to go tract out some low income town houses, and it was so incredible! We were able to meet a college girl named Naomi.  We talked with her and she seemed really interested!  She accepted a copy of The Book Of Mormon, and we invited her to read from it.  She said she was busy with studying for finals, but she would find some time to do so!  We are following up with her tonight, and hopefully teach her The Restoration!  We are so excited for that!  We also met a man named Steve.  He was headed out his door to a baseball game, but we asked him if we could come back and share a message about Jesus Christ.  He said he’d love to hear it!  We weren’t able to stop by later last week, but we will this week!  It was so cool to receive that prompting, act upon that, and see the blessings that came for doing so.  I know that we can all receive revelation!  I am so grateful that we have the Holy Ghost in our lives!
    District Meeting last week was awesome!  President Goodell came, he is the first counselor in our Mission Presidency.  It was so good to have him there!  He has so many insights that no one else would even think of!  He is an inspiring man!  One of our main focus’s was working with members.  We had a lot of amazing insight, and President Goodell commented that it was exactly what we needed to be talking about!  We were able to come up with some great ideas, and we are all going to implement a strictly missionary minded dinner lesson that focus’s on simple invitations everyone can invite others to do so it isn’t as daunting.  We hope and pray that it will pay off!  It is a lot easier to do missionary work when there are 250 missionaries (members) within a ward, rather than just two full-time missionaries!  Members need to be the finders, and we as full-time missionaries are called to be teachers!  We are going to help all of our wards be more missionary minded!  Can’t wait to see this amazing change!  We will see so much more success!  
   We had our “No Drive Day” or Car Fast this past Saturday.  We were on foot all day, and it was so awesome!  We literally talked to everyone we could, and it felt absolutely incredible to speak to all of God’s children we could!  We had some pretty cool experiences.  We saw a Uhaul truck in front of someone’s house, so we went up and asked the people outside if they needed any help.  They said they had just barely finished for the day.  The guy came up to us and told us how he is moving to Cedar City, Utah and how much more stuff he had to pack up and take down there.  We told him that we could definitely help him pack up his stuff.  He was so appreciative that we offered to do that!  He said we could come back this upcoming Thursday and help him out.  He then told us how ironic it was for us to offer to help him pack up.  He said that a few days prior, in Cedar City, two missionaries came up and offered to help them move in!  He thought that was the coolest thing ever, that in two separate places, the missionaries had “run into him” and offered to help out.  What a cool miracle we were a part of!  This wasn’t “ironic” at all, but a divine coincidence where Heavenly Father sent four of His servants to one of His precious children and their family to provide service.  How incredible!  We don’t know if something will come out of this, but Christlike service changes people’s hearts!  Amazing stuff.  It felt good to be “On the Lord’s Errand!”
   That same Saturday, we had a lesson with Jeremiah.  He has been put through the ringer!  He got laid off from work and is now dealing with that.  The adversary is truly working at him, but we had a good lesson about Alma 32.  We read the whole chapter, and talked about how Faith can get us through these tough times!  We also testified to him that through reading the Book Of Mormon, he can feel love and comfort through the power of the Holy Ghost!  He said he would make a greater effort to read this week. He also came to church with his little baby son, it was amazing!  He really enjoyed it there, and we know he felt the Spirit!  He is progressing well!  We stopped by quickly before service last Thursday to see how Mike was doing.  He told us he has had some bad back pains recently.  That’s been tough for him, but he said he still wants to continue to read and pray!  He narrowed his Baptismal date down to July, so we are working with him to pray about a specific date to be baptized in that month.  We are so excited for him!  Can’t wait for him to set that goal and make that leap of Faith!  We weren’t able to meet with Paul, he had some more family stuff going on.  But we will this next week!!
    We were visiting a Potential Investigator who told us we could come back and talk with her husband, who would love to talk with us.  So we stopped by, and right as we were about to knock, they pulled into their driveway.  The husband got out and we told him who we were and that his wife said we could come talk with him.  He was so happy we had come, and invited us into his home to talk.  What an amazing discussion/lesson it was!  He is a Fundamental Independent Baptist, and he first asked us “what are you guys out here sharing?”  We told him a message about Jesus Christ.  He then asked, “what sets you apart from other Christian faiths and what I believe?”  We testified to him that we have a prophet on the earth today, and proper priesthood authority from God!  He then had us sit down, and we had a very peaceful spiritual lesson with him.  He asked us many questions, and we answered them all boldly.  We pretty much taught him the whole Plan of Salvation, and it was amazing!  We could feel the Spirit testifying what we were telling him to be true.  He told us he wished he understood more about life before earth, about God’s plan for us, and what Jesus Christ was doing for three days after his death and before his resurrection.  We answered all of these with boldness, and he would say “oh yeah, that makes total sense.”  He read us some scriptures that he said Baptists use against Mormons, but it was not even what the scripture meant, haha.  But one of his main concerns was that The Book Of Mormon would be adding onto the Bible, and he didn’t understand why we need prophets and priesthood authority now because he thinks Jesus was enough.  We offered him a copy of The Book Of Mormon, and he gladly accepted it.  We invited him to read it and pray about it. He said he would, but he then said this, “what if while I read from The Book Of Mormon, and I find a teaching that contradicts the Bible?”  We told him we didn’t know of any, but if he found any we’d love to hear it!  After we said this, he kinda took it as a personal challenge to read all of it and see if it contradicted the Bible.  That is a dangerous wish of his, because we know that as he reads, he will be filled with the Spirit of the Lord!  He will not find anything that contradicts, but will find Jesus Christ’s gospel explained clearly and simply!  It was awesome to be able to put all of our trust and faith in The Book Of Mormon!  We can’t wait to hear how his reading goes!!  Amazing!  While we spoke, he told us that his kind of baptist church, Fundamental Independent Baptist, knows the Bible super well!  He invited us to come to his church sometime, because we knew the Bible really well too.  I was a little shocked about this.  I don’t think I know the Bible too well, but what I do know is that Heavenly Father inspires us and helps us with Heavenly knowledge.  I know he helped us with bible knowledge as we taught this man.  I am truly grateful for Heavenly help!!!
    After dinner yesterday, we went and contacted some potentially interested people from Tracting.  The first one told us he was busy through his window while cooking dinner when we first knocked on his door, and he told us to come back.  We finally made it back to his house, and he came out and spoke with us.  He said he had just sat down to feed his son, and asked if we only do this in the evenings.  We told him we do this all day!  He asked if we could come back earlier at around 11:00 ish.  We said we definitely will.  He told us he works with a couple of Mormons in his office, and he asked about our missions.  We had a good conversation, then Elder Gordon came in clutch and offered him a copy of The Book Of Mormon, invited him to read it, and said that this is what we will be going over when we come back.  The guy, Shane, asked us where he should start reading.  We told him from the very beginning would be awesome!  We can’t wait to go visit Shane and his family!!  We also talked with another guy, Chris, who we had tracted into the same night we met Shane.  He told us he was swamped with the national guard, and was actually headed to Camp Williams in Utah for most of June.  We were able to get his phone number, then Elder Gordon came in for round 2!  He offered him a copy of The Book Of Mormon and Christ accepted it.  We invited him to read and pray about it!  It was so amazing!  We are starting to truly see the fruits from our labors, and finding more and more people who are interested!  We love it!!!
     In my studies this past week, I read Mosiah 3:19, (most of you probably know this one, but I love it!) it says,

19 For the natural man is an enemy to God, and has been from the fall of Adam, and will be, forever and ever, unless he yields to the enticings of the Holy Spirit, and putteth off the natural man and becometh a saint through the atonement of Christ the Lord, and becometh as a child, submissive, meek, humble, patient, full of love, willing to submit to all things which the Lord seeth fit to inflict upon him, even as a child doth submit to his father.

     I love this scripture!  What I’ve come to realize is that putting off the “Natural Man” is an absolutely daily constant fight and battle that can get easier over time, but that we must Never Let Our Guard Down!!  As we fight daily, we need to remember that we are on the winning team!  Satan wants us to lose and be miserable like he is, but as we learn to always put on the full Armor of God, and never let our guard down, we will be blessed tremendously with extra strength against the adversary!  Always remember to NEVER LET YOUR GUARD DOWN!  I hope you all have a great week.  Thanks for all the support, love you guys! :)

Elder Bailey

1-2: Brother Woolerys truck!  We brought him to our lesson with Jeremiah! He’s awesome! 
3. Found this while walking around all day, rabid animals! 
4. All the groomsman stuff I got in the mail for Alyssa’s wedding!  Haha pretty nice stuff, thanks to the fam! :) love you guys! 

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