Tuesday, August 28, 2018

8/28/18 | Zone Conference! President McMurray is the man!!

  Another great week as a missionary here in Casper Wyoming!  I’m lovin it! We had a great lesson with the random man, Ken, and his wife this past Tuesday.  We talked about what he has learned so far.  We had a great discussion about this, and what the plan is going forward!  Ken wants to continue to progress and learn so he can get baptized and sealed to his wife, who is returning to activity!  How amazing is that?  I mentioned this last week, that they just moved here from Las Vegas, and they just showed up to church last week.  Miracles!  We will be teaching him again tonight again, so that will be awesome!
     I was able to go on exchanges with Elder Fuller this past Wednesday, and we had a pretty good day together!  We did some nice quality service at a thrift shop, and had to help out some other missionaries at a service too.  We had a very strange lesson with some people we’ve been working with as well.  Their son attended, and he has some strange views....... we weren’t able to teach them to effectively, but we are hoping our next lesson goes better.  We went Tracting after dinner, and we were able to find four people with interest, and they all accepted copies of The Book of Mormon!  So awesome!  The last 30 minutes of the day, 8:30-9:00 we didn’t have many people answer, and those who did weren’t too excited about seeing us, but we were grateful for the four people who were nice and interested!  So many blessings!  I love it!
     Elder Godfrey and Elder Fuller had to go practice their musical number, so we met them up at the Morado Building, and the Zone Leaders were there with another set of elders setting up for Zone Conference.  So we helped them out while those guys practiced.  We headed to go and Weekly Plan, and we got a message from Elder Tippetts!  He was in Casper visiting, so he came and said hi to us.  It was so fun!  I was able to meet his parents, and they are just as amazing as I thought they would be!  We had a great visit, and it was so nice that Sister Tippetts sent you guys a Happy Anniversary video from me!  Glad I could wish my wonderful parents a happy anniversary!  Man do I love the Tippett family, they're amazing!  Glad they could say hello to Elder Godfrey and I.
     We had our Zone Conference last Friday, and it was just as amazing as I was expecting!  We had amazing trainings by President and Sister McMurray, as always, and some amazing trainings from the assistants and STL’s. We learned a lot about the importance of Diligence and working with members!  President McMurray shared a General Conference Talk by Elder F. David Stanley from April 1993.  Wow, this was powerful!  If you have time, go find it on the Gospel Library!  Truly amazing!  It is our decision to joyfully endure to the end!  We need to all make that decision and do what is necessary to remain happy in this life!  Overall it was incredible!   Crazy thing is I was asked to give my departing testimony......... wow, how crazy..... but it went very well!  I’m so glad I had the opportunity to bear my testimony to the zone.  We had a nice training from the Zone Leaders in our Zone Breakout session, and they invited us to talk with everyone!  I love that!  I had the chance to see the Bakers from Riverton, they were visiting for our Zone Conference.  It was so fun to see them!  Elder Godfrey and I were the last interviews, so we waited and talked with Sister McMurray until that time came.  Sister McMurray is awesome!  We had some great discussions.  It was finally my turn for my interview.  This interview with President McMurray was absolutely incredible!  We talked about a lot of things to help me stay on the covenant path.  Such amazing advice and counsel!  He shared a scripture that really impacted me that I wanted to share with you.  It is Mosiah 2:41 which states,

41 And moreover, I would desire that ye should consider on the blessed and happy state of those that keep the commandments of God. For behold, they are blessed in all things, both temporal and spiritual; and if they hold out faithful to the end they are received into heaven, that thereby they may dwell with God in a state of never-ending happiness. O remember, remember that these things are true; for the Lord God hath spoken it.

      The key to being happy in our lives is keeping the commandments!  Do all that God needs us to do!  How amazing is that?  He invited me to follow God’s Commandments, and to do the little things each day and week to do so.  I will heed upon his counsel!  I would invite you guys to think about any way you can keep God’s Commandments for us, and how you can better do the small and simple things to build up your testimony each day.  You will be blessed as you do so!  Anyways, just some thoughts from this scripture.  President McMurray, I’m truly convinced, the best mission president on planet earth!  Bold statement, but with the amount of love, power, and conviction that comes when he testifies and teaches you is astounding!  I love him and Sister McMurray so much!  After our interview, it was about 7:30 when we got out.  President asked us if we had dinner plans, and we told him that dinner had never gotten back to us.  He offered to take us out to eat!  How nice of him!  We followed them over to Dsasumo Thai and Sushi, and boy was it good!  We had some great talked with President and Sister McMurray over dinner, it was great.  I’m so grateful for them both, they are so kind.  What a treat to end off an incredible day!
      On Saturday, a member family had us over for dinner and they have this new foreign exchange student that just came here to go to school.  She is from Moldova!  So cool!  It is between Romania and Ukraine.  We had caught wind of this a few weeks ago, so we had the assistants bring up a Romanian copy of The Book of Mormon for this girl, Julia.  After we ate with the family and got to know her, we had a great lesson about Alma 32:21 centered on Faith!  We gave Julia the Romanian copy of The Book of Mormon, and had her follow along in her own language!  (They speak Romanian in Moldova:) It was really cool!  The Spirit was definitely present.  The family attended a friend’s child of record baptism, so she has already seen a baptism, and she came to church yesterday!  The bishop welcomed her from over the pulpit, so she felt very welcomed!  Amazing!  We are hoping she learns more and gains a desire to eventually enter into the waters of baptism.  Baby steps, but she will continue to learn and have a desire to be baptized eventually!  Julia is so ready!  I love little miracles like these! :)
      We had Jeri come to Sacrament Meeting as well with her returning to activity member friend Brother Thomas!  That is exciting!  Four weeks in a row!  Long live the streak!!!  Hopefully she continues to attend.  Julia, the foreign exchange student, came as well.  Super awesome!  Ken didn’t make it.... sadly, but we should see him tonight and see what is up!  
       We received a referral from a member from another ward, and we are going to contact the guy tonight, stay tuned to hear how that goes next week! :)
       While we were eating dinner with President McMurray, a random senior couple missionaries came up in conversation, and apparently president had been looking for this couple for a few months.  They are in our ward, and work at the interpretive trails center up here in Casper!  They are apparently assigned to our mission, so president was eager to meet them.  Him and Sister McMurray visited them last Saturday, and invited them to Zone Conference and district meetings!  So now Elder and Sister Thorup are in our district!  How fun!  We called them up and invited them to our next district meeting, so that should be fun!  Great news, and glad we found them.  Heavenly Father definitely guided our conversation to talk about this senior couple so they could start being a part of everything!  I love it!  (Hope this all makes sense haha)
In D&C 58:26-28 it says,

26 For behold, it is not meet that I should command in all things; for he that is compelled in all things, the same is a slothful and not a wise servant; wherefore he receiveth no reward.

27 Verily I say, men should be anxiously engaged in a good cause, and do many things of their own free will, and bring to pass much righteousness;

28 For the power is in them, wherein they are agents unto themselves. And inasmuch as men do good they shall in nowise lose their reward.
       It is our choice to act, we are agents unto ourselves!  Choose this day to serve God forever and always!  I know that I will do this, and I hope and pray that we can all become true servants and disciples of Jesus Christ!  I love you guys, and I hope you have another fantastic week! 

Elder Bailey

1: Cam the Man!
2: 5 generations!  Love these guys!
3. Brother and Sister Baker from Riverton!
4. Dinner with President and Sister McMurray!
5. Nice bear we found
6. Pday hike today!

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