Friday, December 16, 2016

12/12/16 | Laramie is so cold....

Hey Fam!
        It has been such a fantastic week, I don't even know where to start!  A little update on Ugo, we taught him five times last week!  He honestly understands the Gospel and the scriptures better than anyone I've ever met.  Between lessons we have been having him read two chapters in The Book of Mormon, and he can literally summarize both chapters perfectly!  He told us that when he reads textbooks he gives 80-100%, but when he reads the scriptures he give 100-120%, which is absolutely incredible!  He is loving everything about our Church so far, especially when we told him about Family Home Evening.  When we mentioned it Ugo said that he knew that the way Family Home Evening and how the whole church is organized could only be from God himself.  I feel like he already has a testimony of stuff before we teach him.  For instance, we taught him about tithing, and he said he has been paying tithing for years to a church he knew would use it well!  We explained how our church uses tithing funds and he was really happy and impressed with that.  He said most priests in Nigeria use that money to pay themselves, and I guess the richest man in Nigeria is a priest that made up his own church and made bank....... that's pretty sad, and Ugo said that it happens a lot.  He was shocked when we said the prophet and apostles didn't get paid, but he fully agreed that's how it should be.  Ugo is getting Baptized this Saturday at 10:15!  I couldn't be happier for him! 
         We had an amazing Zone Conference with the Laramie, Cheyenne, and Fort Collins Zone's this past Wednesday with some amazing trainings from the AP's and President and Sister McMurray! As soon as President walked in the building, he came straight to me and asked me how I was doing before he talked to anyone else, that's how loving he is towards us missionary's!  Anyways, we learned many things that President is going to implement in the next few months.  President said that if you are serving within one hour of the temple, that you get to go quarterly!  That's so sweet, I can't wait to go!  He also said that in some stakes in the mission, including our YSA wards, are piloting helping members proselyte through Facebook.  We are already starting to meet with some members and going through their Facebook friends and asking them to look for anyone they think would want to hear about the Gospel.  They send them a message when we are with them, so I think it is going to be very effective!  President focused his training on Obedience, Repentance, using the District videos to help us teach more effectively, and to try a lot harder to talk to everyone we see on the street.  These topics is exactly what our mission needs right now!  I can't wait to see the change this makes in our missionary work.  After our Zone Conference, we all brought White Elephant gifts for each other and we all picked one to open.  I got candy, a little game to play with candy, and an orange, so I wasn't disappointed!  I'll attach a pic of the present I got for someone, it was a mom poem with cupids flying around it and a woodchuck picture.  A Spanish Sister got mine...... she didn't appreciate it, but President McMurray really liked the Woodchuck so he asked if he could take it for himself!  He found out it was me that gave those gifts and asked me where I found those random paintings.  Good Will works magic President, let me tell ya! Haha. Overall it was really fun to have all those zone's together and having everyone so happy in the Christmas Season!  
          We didn't have a dinner scheduled for that night, so the AP's called us and asked where the best place to eat was.  We said Born in a Barn, and they invited us to eat with them and President and Sister McMurray, and President said he was paying for us!  Elder Clemence said how lucky I am to have this opportunity at the beginning of my mission!  Most missionaries only eat with President if they are the AP's or at the very end of their mission.  I was pumped!  It was so awesome to eat with them, President is such a good guy!  We talked about sports, his favorite music, mission stories, and other stuff too.  He's honestly my best friend, no joke.  Anyways, born in a barn has the best wings I have ever tasted in my life!  Think Buffalo Wild Wings times 10, they're that good.  I am definitely going to show you guys when I come back after my mission, it's incredible!  Honestly couldn't have asked for a better mission President! 
         Another exciting thing that's happening this week is the mission department is coming to do a training this Thursday.  I thought I was going to have to stay behind because it's only for the AP's, Zone Leaders, and some District Leaders that President picks, but I guess President wants me to come!  That's kind of exciting I guess.  Things should be pretty sweet this week!  The guy that filmed the District 1 & District 2 is coming to show us parts of some new videos from the District 3!  We get some sneak peaks, I'm way excited for that! 
        Overall this week has been awesome and super cold, but I love it!  Laramie is actually surprisingly homie!  People are way nice, being in the YSA Wards is incredible, and I love snow!  The wind kind of hurts, but you get used to it after it's -27 degrees....... (this is the first time in my life where I breathed through my nose and all the snot froze....... I was so confused.... it was the weirdest feeling I've ever felt!) Having a super good coat helps a ton!  Well, I hope you all have a fantastic week!  Watch President Monson's talk "A Perfect Path to Happiness" from this past General Conference.  It's only four minutes and forty seconds, but I think it's one of his most powerful talks!   We watched it with Ugo during one of our lessons this week, and as soon as President Monson opened his mouth to talk, the Spirit filled the room with so much power!  I know that he is our beloved Prophet on the earth today, and I love him with all of my heart.  Love you all!  Thanks for all the emails throughout the week, they always make me smile :). 

 Elder Bailey
1. White Elephant Gifts
2. Love College students......


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