Tuesday, January 24, 2017

1/16/17 | Happy MLK Day

First off, Happy Birthday Spencer! MLK would be proud to share his day with you!  We had a great week full of so many blessings! The teaching in our ward is finally starting to pick up!  I knew it would if we put forth the effort, and it's wonderful to see the blessings we receive by being such diligent missionaries! 
           This week we had been contacting a lot of less-actives, and the different former/potential investigators we had in our area book, when we had some amazing experiences happen.  I was going down the list, with a lot of people not answering, when I called the Ryan's! It sounded really promising in their description, so I called them, and Brother Ryan answered.  When I said it was the missionaries calling, he got really excited, and told me how he wanted us to teach his child about the gospel, but that he was getting full-custody over him this coming week.  He told us to call him back this Tuesday to schedule when we could visit them.  What a blessing! He's not even a member and he wants us to teach his son, I will definitely find out the whole story and let you know how that goes next week.  After we were done calling people, we got a call from an investigator that we have been trying to contact for weeks now.  He called and asked if we could meet right then!  We dropped everything and went to meet him.  We met Chad, and he was really needing us.  He explained his whole life's story, and about all of his family struggles.  We talked for awhile.  We said to him how we would be there for him through all these struggles, and we bore our testimonies of how much God loves him as well.  The spirit was so strong in his home, it was amazing!  Throughout the rest of the week, we met with Chad two more time, at Chick-fil-a, and a coffee shop.  (We got some hot chocolate there that was amazing! don't worry :). We have been texting him daily to see how he is doing, and he has appreciated it so much! He has really needed the time we've spent with him.  He told us how he knows that we were sent from God to help him.  Being a missionary and helping God's children is the most incredible thing I've ever experienced in my life.  It brings a different kind of joy that I can't explain!
           We had a wonderful time meeting some amazing families in the Ward this week.  My favorite in the Ward now are the Krammers.  They are so awesome!  We became such good friends with the whole family when we had dinner and had our lesson after.  The two youngest brothers both served missions, and one got back a month ago.  I could tell both of them were fantastic missionaries.  After our lesson, we were headed out and Brother Krammer walked us out to our car.  He was so thankful for us, and said that they haven't fed the missionaries in awhile because they didn't like them, but he said that he was very impressed by us.  That made Elder Kimball and I feel so loved!  I honestly love our ward!  
            We had an amazing Zone Meeting this week.  President McMurray and President Goodell were there.  President Goodell gave an inspired training on lying.  He explained how in the Bible it says specifically that God doesn't lie eight different times.  It's the only thing it says God doesn't do, so he explained to us how serious it is to be honest, especially on our missions.  Man he spoke with some power!  I could definitely feel the spirit present.  Our Zone Leaders gave some wonderful trainings about how we can make our planning more effective.  President McMurray told us that there was going to be some changes to our planning and schedule in the missionary broadcast coming up!  I'm excited to find out what that's going to be!  We also had a Windsor Stake Breakfast the next morning.  One of our Stake Presidency members, President Fairbanks,  and his wife had all the missionaries from the Stake over.  We had a great time meeting them, and afterwards we had a little spiritual lesson.  He had Elder Kimball and Sister Hooper give their testimonies.  Then we read from Alma 17-20 about Ammon and his Brethren being some of the best missionaries ever!  He asked us to study these chapters, and apply what made them such good missionaries.  He called it the "missionary standard", which I thought was a very appropriate name for it.  Elder Kimball and I really applied these things in our weekly planning this week.  It was the most spiritual weekly planning session I have ever been in.  The spiritual experiences we had while we were weekly planning really bore testimony to me of how much God wants to help us be better, more effective missionaries.  Every time we prayed sincerely on a specific goal we had, Elder Kimball and I would receive the same answer.  Getting answers this clearly has never happened in my entire life, and it has strengthened my testimony on Prayer Immensely! I know that if you all truly say sincere prayers, every morning and night, with a specific question in mind, God will answer your question.  It may not come quickly, but I know it will come when God sees fit.  I love you all so much and hope you have a fantastic week.


Elder Bailey

Colorado sunsets 

I had to for only $5...... don't judge, but it fits me perfectly:)

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