Tuesday, January 24, 2017

1/23/17 | Things are picking up

 It has been such a crazy week this week!  It's flown by! We've seen so much success in our area this past week, it's been incredible!  We have a new progressing investigator named Wayne.  We got him as a referral from our Zone Leaders from their YSA Bishop.  He is in a rehabilitation center, and we first met with him last week and had such a spiritual lesson.  He said to us, as he started to cry, how he feels like he's been missing something his whole life in his different religions.  We assured him that our message would answer his questions.  That first time we met with him, we answered and clarified a lot of his misconceptions about us.  He said he's been really impressed with how much the Mormons serve others and are always there to help everyone even if there not of our faith.  I thought that was amazing how he noticed this by the example that members had set.  That's why it is so important to be a good example and to magnify what we believe everywhere we go! We never know who could be watching and observing us.  We challenged Wayne to read the introduction to the Book Of Mormon so we could talk about it our next lesson. We met with Wayne two more times this week.  In our second lesson with him, we taught the Restoration.  He kept the commitment and read! We taught, and he understood and was really receptive in everything we taught.  We asked if he would continue read the first chapter of the Book Of Mormon and to pray to know for himself if Jospeh Smith was a true prophet and if the Book Of Mormon was a true book! He accepted and we were so excited for him!  Our third lesson was absolutely incredible! Wayne is kind of forgetful, but he read a lot more than we asked him to, but he forgot to pray.  We talked about what he read, and explained what was going on and where this was taking place.  He said he really loves it so far!  We taught him the Plan of Salvation.  What an experience!  Throughout the whole lesson he didn't say much or ask any questions.  At the end he said "I've felt like I've been enlightened, this makes so much more sense than any other church I've ever been in!"  After he said this, I felt like I should say that he is going to see his parents again.  So I did.  As I testified of this, he started to tear up.  He said that his Dad would probably be disappointed in him because he sold the family farm after he died.  We assured him that his parents would be happy to see him no matter what.  This really brought him comfort.  We then taught him how God has asked us to pray, and invited him to say the closing prayer.  He did willingly, and we asked him again if he would pray to know if these things we have been teaching him are true.  He said he would! I know that we aren't the true teachers, we as missionaries are just the representatives that the Holy Ghost works through.  I know that Wayne has an open heart to receive this message, he has already shown that he wants to learn.   I cannot wait to teach Wayne again, he is so ready to receive this wonderful Gospel, and I'm so excited for him.  We teach him every TuesdayThursday, and Saturday.  We are planning to put him on date this next lesson!  I'll let you know how that goes. 
          Our other investigator, Chad, wasn't really progressing, and we really didn't know what to do.  We felt like it was good for us to be there for him through these struggles.  He called us this week on Thursday, and he was really struggling.  We talked with him, and a couple days before he asked us who we were teaching.  We told him all about Wayne.  During this call he asked what we had taught Wayne the day before, and we told him the Plan of Salvation.  We told him how it brought comfort and hope to Wayne.  He asked us if we would teach him it.  He didn't have time this past week due to work, but we are going to start teaching him about the Gospel!  A week ago all he wanted to do was just talk, and take us out to eat.  I know the Holy Ghost changed his heart, and has been working on him ever since we first met him.  Sometimes it takes hard trials for people to change, but I know that it is for the best! 
          This past Wednesday we had an awesome Zone Conference.  The AP's asked me to give a recitation training on D&C 4, I focused it on verses 5-6 which mention Christ-like attributes.  In Preach My Gospel Chapter 6 it says this fantastic quote which I used.  "Christlike attributes are gifts from God. They come as you use your agency righteously. Ask your Heavenly Father to bless you with these attributes; you cannot develop them without His help."  I thought it went very well!  Here's a little part of what I said at the end.  "The more we focus on others, and forget ourselves, the more we become like Christ. I know that if we all strive to become more like our Savior, we can become more effective ministers of His Gospel".  I know that if you all focus on the different Christ-like attributes, and truly ask God to help you develop them on a daily basis, you will be blessed and become more like Christ.  We had some amazing trainings by President and Sister McMurray, and the AP's.  President's training was my favorite.  He talked about going through trials on our missions.  How he explained it was amazing! He explained how when we experience hard times and trials, we are experiencing a super small feeling of what the Savior had to go through in the Garden of Gethsemane.  He said how much the Savior loves us, because he has experienced every single difficulty we have and will ever face.  I know that is so true!  I have seen it in my own life many times and on my mission.  I know I always have someone who knows how I'm feeling, and knows how I can be healed.  I love my Savior so much! I can't even express how much I love Him.  President McMurray shared this little quote, "The Lord has His timing, and we are just a part of it.  The little things now is all a part of the big picture." This brought such comfort to me!  
          Overall it's been a great but challenging week!  I know that if we trust in our Heavenly Father, and in His timing and His will, we will be blessed so much and we will be helped through all the struggles we face in life.  I love you all so much!  Hope you all have a great week.


Elder Bailey

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