Wednesday, November 1, 2017

10/24/17 | Back in Greeley!

        First off, sorry for everybody who was expecting a reply on Monday, our p-days for my mission are switched to Tuesday from now on for the rest of my mission.  It is kinda sad and weird not to have them on Mondays, but it should be good!  And shout out to my lil bro Randon for getting a 4.0 this past term, and for killing his deer, atta boy!  Proud of you bro!  This week was honestly amazing!  We saw so many miracles, and my new companions are pretty good!  Elder Hatch is from Gilbert, AZ and went to the same high school as my last companion Elder Tippetts.  He’s one of the mellow, stern, funny guys!  He came out a transfer a couple transfers before I did.  My other companion is Elder Nelly from Mesa, AZ!  Yeah all of my companions from now on are going to be from Arizona...... I’m pretty confident they will be! Elder Nally is 6’ 5” so it has been fun to have another tall guy around!  He is waiting for his visa, and then will be heading to the Sidney Australia South Mission, so we get him for a transfer or two, it just depends on when his visa comes in!  It has been a fun week with these two, and we have had a lot of cool experiences!
         Last Wednesday was Elder Nally’s first official day in the mission field, and it was one of the most amazing days of my mission!  In total for the day we ended up handing out seven copies of The Book Of Mormon, and have a lot of new potential investigators to visit and teach this upcoming week!  We were planning on contacting a bunch of potential investigators to start to clean up our area book.  I’ll share with you a few that stood out to me!  At the first potentials house, we met a lady named Sara, and she wants us to come back and teach her this week!  The second potential also wasn’t home, but a man named Kayne answered!  He was a funny guy and accepted a copy too.  The third potential wasn’t home, but we saw a couple cutting up some huge tree limbs, so we immediately went over and asked if we could help them out.  They were so happy that we offered, and we moved all of the big limbs in a few minutes.  After we were finished they expressed how grateful they were for our help, and we started talking with them about The Book Of Mormon.  We were able to give both of them a copy, and we tried visiting them a few days ago but they weren’t home.  We are trying again this week!  They seemed really interested!  Later that night we were Tracting, and we knocked on Mario’s door.  He was really really drunk, but we had a good quick talk with him.  We testified that as he read from The Book Of Mormon, he would be able to overcome his addictions through the power of Jesus Christ.  We don’t know if he was all there, but he asked us how we knew to knock on his door.  We just testified to him that God has sent us here to help him in his life.  It was a cool experience and it was the best feeling to be “on the Lord’s errand!”  
          We had trainers meeting this past Friday, and we received instruction from President and Sister McMurray.  It was so cool to hear from them!  President specifically told us that it is our responsibility to start off these new missionaries missions right!  He told us how the way we help start off their missions, will effect them eternally.  That really put it into perspective of how important it is to continue to be the best we can be!  It was inspiring to me.  After the meeting, we had interviews with President McMurray, which were amazing!  I had a bunch of gospel questions for President, and he told me a bunch of stuff to study to find the answers, it was awesome!  I’m so grateful to have such an amazing mission president!  
          We had a good lesson with one of our investigators Nyssa.  We read 3 Nephi 18 when Jesus institutes the sacrament unto the Nephites.  She has little to no knowledge of who Jesus Christ is or why we need Him, so we were able to testify and explain how He is the only way we can return and live with our Heavenly Father again someday!  We also explained how he suffered for all of our sins and provided the Atonement for us, so we can repent and become clean again.  She is starting to understand a little more of who He is.  We invited her to read more about Jesus visiting the Nephites in 3 Nephi, and pray and ask Heavenly Father to help her understand who Jesus Christ is.  We know she will receive an answer if she asks sincerely!  Can’t wait to see her progress!  
          We had the Windsor Stake Breakfast at President Packard‘s House with all the missionaries serving in the Stake this past Saturday morning.  During our little devotional afterwards, he brought up a scripture in Jeremiah that struck me!  It was in Jeremiah 17:7-8 which says, 

7 Blessed ​is​ the man that ​​​trusteth​ in the ​​Lord​​, and whose ​​​hope​ the ​​Lord​​ is.
​​​​​8 For he shall be as a ​​​tree​ planted by the waters, and ​that​ spreadeth out her roots by the river, and shall not ​​​see​ when heat cometh, but her leaf shall be green; and shall not be careful in the year of ​​​drought​, neither shall cease from yielding fruit.

          I want to invite you to read these scriptures and relate it to how you can plant your testimonies by the true Living Water Of our Savior Jesus Christ.  Then to apply it to your life and find a couple of ways that you can gain and strengthen your testimonies of Him!  I know that if you do so prayerfully, the Lord will show you what you can do to strengthen your testimonies.  Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ want to bless us so badly, we just need to ask!  
          Being back in Greeley is amazing again!  The people here are humble and ready to receive the gospel!  I can’t wait to meet more people who are ready to receive the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Being a missionary is so incredible, and I am so grateful to Heavenly Father for letting me have this opportunity to serve.  I love you guys, and hope you have a fantastic week!

Elder Bailey 


1. My new companions! 
2. The World Record for “the largest stem to have ever been witnessed on a pumpkin” 

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