Tuesday, February 28, 2017

2/28/17 | D&C 6:34-37

 We had such an amazing week this week!  We just had the most
amazing time at the Fort Collins Temple this morning! That's why our
P-Day got switched to today. It was such a blessing to attend an
endowment session again!  I didn't realize how much attending the
temple benefited my life until I hadn't been there for so long. It was
amazing to go to the Lord's house again!  I encourage all of you to
attend the Temple as much as possible, especially when living in Utah!
 What a blessing it is to have so many different Temples to be able to
choose from that are so close!  I know that it will bless your life if
you put forth the effort to attend the Temple as much as possible.
       We had the opportunity to go on exchanges with the Zone Leaders
again this week.  This time I was with Elder Aguirre, and we had such
an amazing exchange.  We went campus contacting on UNC's campus and
had little success.  In the middle of campus there is this chalk
board.  So we decided to draw the Plan of Salvation!  We put our
number down on the board for anyone to call us if they were
interested.  It was a little thing, but we thought it would work!
Later that day we got to eat dinner with a YSA member at the campus
cafeteria.  The whole time I noticed these two big football guys
staring at me, I didn't really think anything of it.  When we were
about to leave, one of them came up to me and asked if I was from
Utah.  I said yes, and he was so excited!  He told us how much he
respects us and loves to see us there at the cafeteria.  His name is
Keaton Mott, and he played football for Bingham.  We got talking, and
we know a lot of the same people!  He said the only reason he came up
and said hi was because he knew I was from Utah, and I honestly know
that this was supposed to happen.  We had the opportunity to help him
out this past week.  He is getting knee surgery this upcoming week, so
he asked if I would give him a blessing.  It was such a cool
opportunity, and I know that Heavenly Father had us cross paths to
help him out.  Later in the week, the Zone Leaders got a call from a
random girl from the Plan of Salvation we drew up on the chalk board!
They got talking and somehow they got talking how she is 4' 7", and
they brought me up because I am 6' 7".  She asked if I was from
Highland, Utah, and they said yes.  She said that she was a foster kid
that was in my 9th grade math class with Mrs. Gould for 4 weeks.  I
had the opportunity to talk to her later that day.  I honestly didn't
remember or recognize her at all, but she told me something that I did
remember.  She told me that in those 4 weeks, I invited her to
seminary twice!  The Zone Leaders committed her to Baptism, and she
told them she wants me to Baptize her!  So we'll see if she will
progress in the coming weeks.  In my life I honestly thought because I
lived in Utah, I didn't have that many missionary opportunities, but I
guess I didn't really notice those little things.  I don't know if
that effected her at all, but she remembered those things for the past
5 years and I know that I am in Greeley at this time because of that!
I first thought how random this was for these two people here in
Greeley, Colorado, for me to connect with, but it was definitely part
of Heavenly Fathers Plan.
       Elder Kimball and Elder McFadden taught Chad this week, and
they read him the story of Lehi's Family and the Tree of Life.  He
told us he wants to hear the Restoration this week, and our goal is to
put him on date for Baptism!  I will let you know that goes next week!
 We also had a really good lesson with a man named Ryan, and his son
Shayden.  Shayden is 8 years old and wants to learn more, and his dad
has heard all of the discussions, but hasn't joined the church. We
taught them the Plan of Salvation, and it went very well!  Shayden was
so receptive and wants to learn more, and I think Ryan will follow
Shayden's desire if we invite him to be Baptized! We will be teaching
them again this week, and I can't wait!  We didn't have a chance to
meet with the Wakkinen's this week, but we will be meeting with them
this week as well.
       We had a wonderful Zone Conference this past week in Fort
Collins. We learned more about Obedience and Repentance.  President
McMurray said something that really stuck with me, "If you want to
become the best missionary you can be, focus on Daily Repentance." I
think that applies to everyone!  If we do focus on Repenting Daily, we
can come to understand the Atonement better, and become better people!
 The main thing that stood out to me was in D&C 6:34-37, if we build
upon the Rock of our Redeemer, we can prevail against everything the
adversary throws at us!
        I love serving here Colorado!  I have seen so many miracles
this past week, and it is so awesome to see our area picking up!  We
have been working with many less-actives, and had a couple of them
attend church this week as well.  I hope you all have a wonderful week
this week! I love you just so much!

Elder Bailey

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