Tuesday, February 7, 2017

2/6/17 | Another transfer with Elder Kimball!

What a weeks it has been!  So many things have happened! We got a call from President McMurray while we were eating dinner with some members at Golden Corral, we went over where it was more quiet, and President asked me if I would accept the call of being a District Leader!  I accepted gladly, and he told us that Elder Kimball and I will be staying together for another transfer!  I was so happy and feel so blessed to be a staying with Elder Kimball and being a District Leader!  I can't wait for this transfer, it will be so awesome!
            We had really solid lessons with Wayne this week!  Our first lesson on Tuesday went very well!  Wayne has kept all of his commitment so far!  We asked him to read Moroni 10, but he read the whole book of Moroni instead! He said he believes in all the teachings that were outlined throughout it.  When he said that, I had the feeling that we needed to show him the video by Elder Bednar, Patterns of Light: Spirit of Revelation,  I invite you all to watch it! In the video, Elder Bednar talks about three ways that spiritual revelation comes to us.  We explained to Wayne that we think that he is experiencing the second type of revelation, which is compared to the rising of the sun.  Little by little you understand and receive more insight until you see the full picture.  This helped Wayne understand that his testimony of the Book Of Mormon may not all come at once, but over time he can understand small amounts until he see's the whole picture.  Our other lessons with him went fantastic!  We played some cards with him, which he is a little too good at, and we gave him framed pictures of Jesus Christ.  When we gave him the pictures of Christ, he got really emotional and told us how much he loved and appreciated us for being his friends and bringing the Spirit strongly into his life.  We taught him four of the commandments throughout these lessons as well, and he told us all of them are in line with his Christian beliefs.  We promised him that as he continues to read and pray daily, that he will continue to receive knowledge and truth and eventually he will want to be baptized.  Wayne is such a good man!  I love him so much! We'll see how he progresses through the coming weeks.  
            We had some scary ice storms come through here on Wednesday!  It had been cloudy and cold all day, then this weird misty rain came in and started freezing everything!  Elder Kimball and I were up in Eaton visiting less-actives and we were just starting to tract when literally everything froze up in 15 minutes!  It was crazy!  We walked up to a house and no one answered, we were walking back down the steepish driveway, and it was straight ice!  I started slipping, so I jumped to the grass but that was frozen too! By this time Elder Kimball had gone down and I somehow kept my balance. We must've looked like complete goons..... We finally got to the car and I had the feeling we needed to slowly head back to the church in Greeley.  We started to drive back, slipping and sliding really bad.  We saw so many crashes and people sliding off the road, and one time I put on the brakes and we didn't stop for 25 feet.  This whole time I was praying that we would get safely, and I know Heavenly Father definitely answered my prayers.  We got to the church and called our vehicle coordinator to tell him that driving conditions were terrible.  They grounded all the cars in the mission so no one would get hurt, so we were inside for a bit and had to have the members who were feeding us come pick us up from the apartment for dinner.   They were nice enough to do that for us!  I know that our Heavenly Father answers prayers!  I know He does without a doubt.  We were kept perfectly safe because of Him, and I'm so grateful!  I know that if you pray with faith, that God will answer your prayers too.  
           We had a really cool experience visiting a less-active this week.  We have splits with the Elders and High Priest Quorums on Thursday's and they are supposed to have people for us to visit, like friends, less-actives, there home teaching family, or people who are struggling.  We only had Brother Hinckley show up for splits, and he is brand new to the ward and doesn't know anyone yet.  Wee had to come up with a less-active to go visit pretty quickly, and a name stuck out to me, the Wakkinen's.  We went to visit them, and they were so receptive!  They became friends with us and Brother Hinckley really fast!  It turns out that Brother Hinckley lives really close to them, which is such a blessing for a fellowship opportunity!  They have two primary age daughters who aren't baptized, and Brother Wakkinen's wife isn't either!  They said we could come back next week to teach them a little lesson.  They were honestly the most receptive less-actives I've met so far on my mission, and I know that we were meant to go there.  It turned out to be the perfect situation for them to feel loved!  I can't wait to see how they progress!  
          I found some really key scriptures during my personal studies this week.  Alma 36:3 and Alma 36:27.  Know that God is always there for you to bare you up, and he is always there for support!  I have seen it in my life and I know that's true.  I encourage you guys to read these scriptures, I know that they can help us through our everyday struggles!
          I had such a fantastic week, and I'm so grateful that I'm a missionary!  I'm so grateful to be staying with Elder Kimball and to become a District Leader!  I know that if I trust in my Heavenly Father and work diligently, that he will magnify me to become better than ever!  I love this gospel with all my heart!  I love you guys so much, and hope you have a fantastic week this week.


Elder Bailey

Cars flipping over all over the place!

I got this amazing picture of Jesus, and though you guys might like it for a background pic to remind you of Him :)

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